Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are locked in a virtual dead heat just days before Florida’s pivotal Jan. 31 primary, according to a new TIME/CNN/ORC poll.
What You Missed While Not Watching the Last South Carolina GOP Debate
0 minutes. The CNN spaceship is set to launch, with blue gels on the lights that give the auditorium an alien aquarium vibe. It’s the 17th GOP debate of 2012 cycle. Roll the intro montage: “Welcome to the South, the heart of …
New Newtmentum: Gingrich Picks Up Speed, Scrutiny and Supporters in South Carolina
Walterboro, South Carolina
Newt Gingrich likes to boast that he does things differently than conventional politicians. Sometimes this is true. Hours after receiving Rick Perry’s endorsement, and amid new polls that show the …
Rick Perry Bows Out of GOP Race, Backs Gingrich
Rick Perry dropped out of the Republican presidential race and endorsed Newt Gingrich on Thursday morning, delivering a short, jaunty speech to supporters in South Carolina. “I have come to the conclusion that there is no viable …
Well Positioned and Plenty Lucky, Romney Works to Hold His Lead in South Carolina
Rock Hill, South Carolina
In 2008, Mitt Romney hopped on a plane to Nevada two days before the critical South Carolina primary, convinced that his Mormon faith and the moderate policy positions he took as Massachusetts …
TIME/CNN Poll: Romney Still Top Dog, but Gingrich Gaining in South Carolina
GOP presidential front-runner Mitt Romney commands double-digit leads in South Carolina and Florida, but Newt Gingrich’s troubled campaign is showing signs of resurgence in the Palmetto State just three days before its pivotal …
With Nomination Almost in Reach, Romney Looks to Bury Gingrich Again in South Carolina
Spartanburg, South Carolina
With just days until the South Carolina primary looming as the last real hurdle on his march to the Republican nomination, Mitt Romney is trying to ward off a late charge from Newt Gingrich by …
New Hampshire Creates Big Expectations, if Little Drama, as GOP Race Wears On
Somersworth, New Hampshire
In a final, frantic day of campaigning before Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, the six Republican presidential hopefuls sought to calibrate expectations for a race from which Mitt Romney’s healthy …
TIME/CNN/ORC Poll: Romney Storms Ahead in South Carolina
In another sign of the front runner’s growing strength, Mitt Romney has taken the lead in South Carolina, according to a TIME/CNN/ORC poll released Friday.
The 25% Solution: How Romney Plans to Finish By Florida
An eight-vote, 25% victory may look weak, but Mitt Romney’s narrow win in the Iowa caucuses Tuesday has his campaign charting a plan for ultimate victory by the time Florida Republicans hold their primary on Jan. 31. The …
CNN/TIME/ORC Poll: Gingrich Collapse Fuels Santorum Surge in Iowa, Solidifies Romney Lead in New Hampshire
With less than a week to go until Republicans cast the first votes of the 2012 presidential race in Iowa, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and Texas congressman Ron Paul remain atop the field there, even as the fortunes …
Newt Gingrich’s Electability Gap
Whether it’s on the state or national level, Gingrich is currently the candidate causing conservative hearts to flutter. A Reuters/Ipsos poll released Wednesday found him with a 10-point lead over Romney among Republicans, 28% to 18%. When Independents were factored in, that lead dipped slightly to seven points. But when all voters were …
Did Ron Paul Just Erase Gingrich’s Lead in Iowa?
That’s at least what it looks like in the latest survey from Public Policy Polling. The barrage of aired attacks on Newt from all sides seems to be having the desired effect, plummeting his favorability by 19 points in the last week, and Paul, certainly one of the aggressors, is picking up the pieces. Gingrich still leads with 22% of the …