A social scientist crunches the numbers after MSNBC’s tweet-gate
Poll: Congressional Dems in Trouble
Their post-shutdown advantage has vanished in the latest CNN survey
Poll: Majority of Americans Disagree With Spying On Allies
It isn’t cool to tap your friends’ phones
Obama’s Approval Rate at All-Time Low
Finally, the President and the GOP have something in common
The Verdict Is In: Shutdown Stinks for GOP
With the government shutdown in its 11th day, and just six days remaining to raise the debt limit, Republicans are bearing the brunt of public frustration with Washington’s dysfunction.
More Americans Have Supported Syrian Air Strikes Than Opposed
Forty-nine percent of Americans back strikes by cruise missiles and drones that don’t risk U.S. lives, the Quinnipiac poll found, with 38 percent opposed
TIME POLL: Americans Believe Country Heading In Wrong Direction
A majority of Americans believe the country is heading in the wrong direction, according to a new TIME poll, with President Barack Obama’s approval and disapproval ratings essentially tied.
Fifty-eight percent of those …
Poll: America’s Confidence in Congress Falls to Record Low
A new Gallup poll shows that just 10% of Americans have confidence in Congress, the lowest among any institution since 1973.
TIME POLL: Support for Snowden—and His Prosecution
54% of respondents said the leaker, Edward Snowden, did a “good thing” in releasing information about the government programs.
Poll: Americans More Concerned About Civil Liberties In Wake Of Boston Bombing
Two weeks after the Boston Marathon terror attacks, the Americans people are far more concerned about new government limits on civil liberties than the need for new law enforcement measures to prevent future attacks.
Poll: George W. Bush Increasingly Popular, Continues Trend of Former Presidents
Approval of George W. Bush’s legacy has risen from 37% in January 2009 to 47%, according to a new ABC/Washington Post poll.
Poll: Clinton Crushes 2016 Competition
A new Quinnipiac poll finds Hillary Clinton at the top of the potential 2016 presidential field.
Republicans Prefer Pancakes: What’s the Point of Goofy Polls?
Public Policy Polling is releasing their latest set of oddball polls, about political affiliation and food preferences. And they’re not just for your entertainment.