A new poll shows the majority of Americans want to maintain or increase government funding for every program except foreign aid.
A Sequester By Any Other Name . . . Would Probably Make More Sense
A poll out from The Hill this morning shows that about two-thirds of voters don’t know what the word means. Part of the problem is that “sequester” and its definition aren’t obvious bedfellows.
Gun Owners Trust the NRA but Agree with Obama
Gun-toting Americans are not aware that they are closer to Barack Obama than the NRA on the gun control debate.
Poll: Alabama Most Conservative State in the Union, Massachusetts Most Liberal
Gallup reveals the Top 10 Most Conservative and Most Liberal states in America.
New TIME/CNN Poll: White House Gun Agenda Faces Conflicted Public
Many of the pillars of Obama’s plan are popular, but much of the public isn’t convinced tighter gun laws will work.
New TIME/CNN Poll: Obama’s Job Approval Jumps, Public Favors Stricter Gun Laws
A new TIME/CNN/ORC poll that will be released Wednesday afternoon finds that a majority of Americans support tighter gun laws.
Remembering 1980: Are the Polls Missing Something?
In November 1980, the great TIME correspondent and editor John F. Stacks (a mentor to such stars as John Dickerson and many others) won the unenviable task of analyzing how and why every single public pollster (including ours) …
TIME Poll: Obama Leads by 5 in Ohio
Buoyed by early voting in his favor, Barack Obama leads Mitt Romney by five points in the pivotal state of Ohio, according to a new TIME poll.
Will Obama Bounce Back or Fall Below His Floor?
In early June, shortly after President Obama stumbled in a press conference by saying, “the private sector is doing fine,” his senior White House and campaign aides began an e-mail chain among one another. It listed all the other …
‘The Pollsters Are Biased’ Is the New ‘The Reporters Are Biased’
Good news, folks! Now you can have your own facts! Even better, when it comes to campaign polls you don’t like, you can now have your own numbers!
Obama Comes to New York for Barbara Walters and, sorta, the United Nations
Though Gotham is full of visiting heads of government and state, the President is meeting no one this time around. Is it insurance against possible gaffes? Or just a broader excuse not to meet the Prime Minister of Israel?
TIME/CNN Poll: Obama Leads Romney in Florida
President Barack Obama has opened a narrow lead in Florida as Republicans gather in Tampa this week to nominate Mitt Romney, according to a new TIME/CNN/ORC poll. The survey also found the two candidates locked in a near tie in …
Are the Bain Attacks Working?
All summer, Barack Obama has blanketed the swing-state airwaves in an attempt to sway the sliver of the electorate still up for grabs. The ad assault has attacked a series of related issues: Mitt Romney’s refusal to release additional tax returns, his offshore bank accounts, his former firm’s record of outsourcing jobs abroad and