There’s a bit of a panic raging in the conservative commentariat today with twin columns from the Weekly Standard‘s Bill Kristol and the Wall Street Journal‘s editorial board urging Mitt Romney to correct his course. President …
How Polarization Explains Republicans’ and Democrats’ Governing Priorities
The headline on Pew’s new 25th anniversary American Values survey is probably not surprising to anyone attuned to Washington’s frequency the past few years: political polarization has risen sharply, not just in Congress but …
The End of Political Polling
Pack it up. Pack it in. It’s over. Political polling has reached its end point. Thanks to the good people at Public Policy Polling, who thought to ask voters in Michigan if they agreed with Mitt Romney’s claim that the state has trees that are the right height. Drum roll, please.
But that’s just the warmup. Check out the crosstabs:
Obama Cashes in on Auto-Bailout Success, but Skepticism of Government Remains
On Thursday, Pew released some timely data on three major federal undertakings that defined the beginning of President Barack Obama’s first term: the bank bailout, passed under George W. Bush just before Obama took office; the …
TIME/CNN Arizona Poll: Romney Holds Narrow Lead over Santorum
Mitt Romney holds a narrow lead over Rick Santorum in Arizona with a week to go before the state’s Feb. 28 primary, according to a new TIME/CNN/ORC poll.
Inside the Numbers: Potential Trouble for Romney in Michigan and Beyond
The Republican nominating contest is taking a much needed siesta this week, with no primaries, debates or other confabulations planned. But the polls are still trickling out and they’re ugly for the ever precarious front runner, …
Obama’s Prospects in Swing States Deteriorated in 2011
Most Americans won’t have the power to choose the next President because they live in states so tilted towards one end of the political spectrum that the election outcome, barring calamity, is not in doubt. Mitt Romney doesn’t really have a chance in California. Barack Obama is not going to win Texas.
What matters instead is a group …
What Will Mitt Romney Talk About if the Economy Gets Better?
For the better part of two years, Mitt Romney has been relentless. “Four years ago, candidate Obama came to Nevada, promising to help,” he said in his victory speech after the Nevada caucuses on Saturday night. “Today, Nevada unemployment is over 12%, home values have plummeted, and Nevada’s foreclosure rate is the highest in the nation …
Bracing for a Loss in Florida, Gingrich Reinvents Himself as a Grassroots Insurgent
When you throw a party only to show up an hour and 45 minutes late, the least you can do is feed your guests. Once he arrived at a cavernous hangar for a rally on the last full day of campaigning before Tuesday’s …
For Mitt Romney in Florida, It’s All About Character (Attacks)
Pompano Beach, Florida
A political riddle presents itself on the trail with Mitt Romney: Can a true man of character constantly attack the character of another man?
From the first introductions on Sunday, character was presented as the defining, most winning attribute of the former governor: Romney was touted as the candidate whose …
Outstumped and Outspent, Newt Gingrich Flounders in Florida
The Villages, Florida
For a moment, as he gazed out at the gargantuan crowd gathered in brilliant sunshine, Newt Gingrich caught a glimpse of what might have been. Gingrich arrived at this retirement enclave in central …
The Once and Future Front Runner: Why Romney Is Winning in Florida and What Comes Next
In a Republican-primary season marked by political chaos, here’s something that finally seems settled: Mitt Romney will win the Tuesday, Jan. 31, Florida primary. So say the latest public polls, several of which suggest Romney …