Mitt Romney

For Romney, Fundraising Comes First


It’s nearing 9 p.m. and lightning forks across the sky, but inside a cavernous concrete expo hall, a mostly Hispanic crowd is chanting Mitt Romney’s name. Although Romney trails Barack Obama by more than two-to-one …

Amid Video Controversy, Romney Punches Back

Dallas, Texas

If Mitt Romney is panicking, it’s hard to tell. As Democrats salivate and Republicans squirm over a surreptitiously recorded video that shows Romney uttering politically fraught remarks to donors at a private …

Romney’s Campaign Is Far from Dead

Some of my colleagues are declaring Mitt Romney’s presidential hopes dead and buried; some are enthusiastically dancing on his political grave. This is premature. True, the latest video of Romney denouncing nearly half the country as self-pitying mooches seems to confirm the caricature of a heartless plutocrat that Democrats have spent …

Romney’s 47% Video: Five Charts to Fact-Check the Remarks

When Mitt Romney told a group of wealthy donors that 47% of Americans pay no income taxes, he was (mostly) telling the truth. But everything else about his statement grossly misrepresents the reality of that figure. Here are five charts to clip’n’save for future reference.

How Mitt Romney’s Luck Ran Out

For a good long while, Mitt Romney was the luckiest man in politics. He joined the 2012 race as the default Republican front runner after more-formidable challengers chose not to run. His declared rivals were at turns ineffectual …

The Two Campaigns of Mitt Romney

Every campaign starts with a theory of the case. In 2004, George W. Bush’s advisers surmised a shaken country wanted a leader who had the strength to take tough decisions to keep us safe. Four years ago, Barack Obama ran on …

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