Filmmaker Greg Whiteley unexpectedly ended up filming for six years
Mitt Romney
Meet the Other Mitt Romney
New documentary offers an inside look at the failed presidential candidate
Mitt Romney Accepts Apology From MSNBC Host
“I think it’s a heartfelt apology, and I think for that reason we hold no ill will whatsoever”
Romney Cautions GOP Against Government Shutdown
Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney offers his party advice.
Romney Transition Team Flummoxed By Gmail
Mitt Romney’s transition team had plans to inject a heavy dose of corporate America into the federal government, but first they had to adjust to a new email system. Its name? Gmail.
Mitt Romney Inc.: The White House That Never Was
Behind the scenes of the Romney administration that might have been
Campaign Insider Book Argues Mitt Romney Lost Because Of Benghazi
New book presents the least convincing case for Romney loss: Benghazi
Planning a Presidency That Never Was: Inside the Romney Transition Team
Former Utah Governor and Romney transition team leader Mike Leavitt tells TIME about the process of planning a Romney presidency
Romney: Obama Won By Bestowing “Gifts” On Voters
In a private call with donors, Romney attempts to explain why he failed to unseat Barack Obama
Mitt Romney’s Pre-Existing Conditions
It’s hard to tell what Mitt Romney would do to solve the problem of sick uninsured Americans. Right now, these people often can’t find insurers willing to sell them policies or, if they can, the costs are prohibitive. Under Obama’s Affordable Care Act, insurance companies will be required, beginning in 2014, to sell policies to anyone …
Romney’s Move to the Middle
Mitt Romney’s tack toward the political center continues apace. During a campaign swing through Iowa and Ohio on Tuesday, Romney made several overtures to key demographic groups who may be anxious about the impact of his polices.
Romney’s Not-So-“Major” Foreign Policy Address Casts Obama as Weak
Mitt Romney delivered a “major” speech on foreign policy on Monday, although that designation of import comes from Romney’s own campaign, and hardly seems warranted. Romney added little to his previous positions–most of them …
Blue Truth, Red Truth
Both candidates say White House hopefuls should talk straight with voters. Here’s why neither man is ready to take his own advice