Kerry Offers Hope Where Snipers Once Fired in Ukraine
The Secretary of State makes a show of support for Kiev, and against Putin
The Secretary of State makes a show of support for Kiev, and against Putin
Officials say Putin is taking “19th century” approach in 21st century world
From Kiev to Kabul to Cairo, the U.S. president is a frustrated bystander
A confidante to Israel’s prime minister says the U.S. Secretary of State’s controversial comments were kosher
President softens his tone toward Congress amid nuclear talks
Careful words, and no warning to avoid the Olympic games
Midway through Barack Obama’s first term as president, U.S. officials grew alarmed that Israel might launch a unilateral air strike against Iran’s nuclear program. Iran had snubbed Obama’s outreach after the 2008 election, and rejected an October 2009 international proposal to ship most of its enriched uranium out of the
Burned by Iraq in 2008, but still a strong voice for military action
A campaign plan overtaken by a desire to disentangle from the Middle East
A peace deal is not “mission impossible,” he says, but some think even Hollywood heroics can’t save the process
From Apple to Beyonce to the NBA, American culture still reigns supreme
A quiet but profound second-term shift on terrorism
Creative ways for paranoid dictators can sniff out—and snuff out—their enemies