Four Good Reasons Why Iran Doesn’t Trust America
A brief survey of justifiable Iranian resentment
A brief survey of justifiable Iranian resentment
Gary Samore on what to expect from this week’s high-stakes talks in Geneva
Some hard facts: There is no Santa Claus or Easter Bunny, and the Navy SEALs are not all-powerful. We learned that much from last weekend’s aborted SEAL raid on an al Shabab terrorist’s compound in Somalia. The failure of the …
Buying leverage—or playing the fool?
The vaunted “pivot to Asia” suffers as Obama cancels his third trip to the region
Two months ago, the President embraced limited reforms to domestic spying. So far, he’s produced limited results
Their possible handshake in New York didn’t work out. But Barack Obama and Iranian president Hassan Rouhani made up for it today with a phone call that amounted to the first direct contact between an American president and an …
NEW YORK— One of the great unresolved questions of Barack Obama’s presidency is whether he can peacefully resolve America’s conflict with Iran over its nuclear weapons program. An encounter between Obama and Iran’s new …
When President Obama arrives in New York City today for the U.N. General Assembly, the world will be watching to see how he handles slow-boiling crises in Iran and Syria. Will he shake hands with Iran’s new President, Hassan …
The regime Putin fears we’ll change isn’t Assads. It’s his own.
A litany of thorny practical and political obstacles to relieving Assad of his precious nerve gas
WMD intel, unintended consequences, “regime change” — the greatest hits of the past decade are back
Evidence of a brutal chemical attack in Syria poses a defining test to the U.S.’s reputation and to Barack Obama’s foreign policy vision