It’s You, Mr. Show, It’s You!

Oh2dc, I think, tried to dig up the Mr. Show sketch I was talking about yesterday (the one about adults being all “hey, kids!”). I couldn’t find it, but, in the spirit of Potomac Primary day, I present this election-themed sketch:


UPDATE: Thank you Disenfranchised_Libertarian! Thank you!

Hey Ana (and others) –

It’s not

Who’s Afriad Afraid* of Obama?

Conventional wisdom has it that McCain’s only hope to win in the general election is for Hillary to undemocratically wrest the nomination from Obama, which would depress Democratic turnout in the general and provide McCain with an unpopular opponent. A Obama nomination would have too much emotional momentum, too much excitement, and

Ollie To The Rescue

It turns out not all famous conservative talkers are McCain bashers. In an op-ed this morning, Ollie North comes to the defense of his fellow Naval Academy alum and tells reluctant conservatives not to do to McCain “what GOP ‘moderates’ did to me” in North’s failed 1994 bid for a U.S. Senate seat in Virginia. As North sees it, McCain has …

How Do You Un-Torture Someone?

The Washington Post leads the paper today with a story about how a “clean team” from the FBI and the military re-interrogated the 9/11 suspects who will be put on trial on capital murder charges, collecting the same information the CIA obtained from five of the six under far harsher conditions at secret prisons.:

To ensure that the data

Behind the Music: Hillary Clinton

An ad for young people or an old person’s idea of an ad for young people?

I’m reminded of that Mr. Show sketch where the parents put on board shorts and Vans and toss around a beach ball impersonating teens in a show called something like, “Just Rappin!” They say things like, “I’m going to get my hair cut so that people can see my …

Washington State: Winning Ugly

I love what passes for arithmetic in the disputed GOP caucuses there:

Esser said their last county report on Saturday came shortly before 10:15 p.m., at which point they had 87.2 percent of precincts reporting. That’s when they did an analysis, saying: “Let’s take every county where Huckabee is beating McCain, and double the margin of