
• Stewart’s goodbye to Mitt, in words that Mitt would not use. [C&L]

• “Rather than just own up to the situation — ‘We just didn’t win the states we needed to win,’ or something like that — Mr. Romney, ever the business consultant, had to try to customize his message for the client.” [The Caucus]

• Mitt’s next. [Radar]

SwampCast: Stopping Obamentum

Some thoughts on what might help Hillary out of her slump.

UPDATE: Yup, these are more environmental factors than strategic ones… no so much what Hillary can do to hold up Obama, but rather what might yet happen. Sorry for the lack of clarity.

Why Not Both?

Assistant Managing Editor/Occasional Swampland intern Michael Duffy, author of this week’s story exploring the concept of a Clinton-Obama or Obama-Clinton ticket, reports in with some additional analysis:


Our new poll, taken before Super Tuesday, has some stuff Swampland readers might find interesting, if not terribly

Romney Campaign, RIP

Slate’s John Dickerson:

Over the course of the GOP primaries, it became clear from exit polls that Republicans were voting based on candidate character more than policy positions. Despite all the money Romney spent on ads and organization, including millions of his own fortune, voters just didn’t seem to like him. In the last weeks,

In the Arena In the Arena

Today in Iraq

This is a really important piece in the Washington Post today about the success of the U.S. military–and Sunni tribal–effort against Al Qaeda in Iraq. One key metric, found in a memo sent by Riyadh al-Ogaidi, said to be an AQI leader:

Ogaidi said the total number of al-Qaeda in Iraq members across the country has plummeted from about

Romney Post Mortems

I’ll be trying to collect a few of them today, as the GOP tries to put humpty dumpty back together again. The first one I’ve come across that seems both informed and honest –witheringly so — comes from Patrick Ruffini:

What Romney didn’t account for is that it would take more than being a CPAC, or Agenda Conservative to win the

Huck on Mitt’s Departure

Shorter Mike Huckabee: Don’t let the door hit you…

“Today, Mitt Romney announced that he will no longer seek the Republican nomination for President. I wish Mitt and his family all the best.

“Over the past year, Mitt and his entire family have sacrificed a lot during the course of his campaign and for that, we should all be

In the Arena In the Arena

Latest Column

In which the Democratic race is assessed.

A further word: I think that the key to this race now is that Obama or Clinton have win over at least a demographic sliver of the other’s constituency. Clinton will have a tougher time doing this. She might have had a larger slice of the African-American vote, and the nomination with it, but her …

Absence of Praise

Based on Romney’s prepared remarks, he won’t come anywhere near endorsing McCain during the red-meat speech he’s giving to CPAC right now. He’ll offer only tepid praise for McCain’s hawkishness on national security. Here’s the passage:

I disagree with Senator McCain on a number of issues, as you know. But I agree with him on doing

Romney Out

I have no idea what will get McCain staff out of bed in the morning…

Can we take down the horserace banner up there now?

UPDATE: Perhaps the weirdest thing about Romney’s speech at CPAC right now is that it is, essentially, the same stump speech I’ve seen him deliver about, well, innumberable times, right down to the “First, not …

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