In the news: Industries see climate change as an “economically disruptive force”; Davos debates austerity; Syrian peace talks crumble; Grimes takes on Mitch McConnell; National Journal announces the 30 most influential out Washingtonians
Must Reads
Morning Must Reads: January 23
In the News: U.S. accuses security check firm of fraud, Clinton foes file FEC complaint, why social mobility is still a dream, and what’s prettier in print
Morning Must Reads: January 22
In the News: Divisions at Peace Talks on Syria, Gov. McDonnell Speaks Out, Abortion, and Troops in Afghanistan
Morning Must Reads: January 21
In the News: Obama Facing Pressure over State of the Union Address, Report Points Fingers at Assad in Syria, Why Hillary Might not Be a 2016 Shoe-in, and Wendy Davis’ Biography
Morning Must Reads: January 17
In the news: Syrian rebels speak out on cease-fire; President Obama to reform the NSA; Senate passes appropriations bill; Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) to retire; W.Va. spill site was inspected in 2010
Morning Must Reads: January 16
In the news: Obamacare, the Oscars, an Appropriations bill, a “stealth war” on abortion, a White House education summit, and what’s prettier in print
Morning Must Reads: January 15
In the news: European intelligence agencies secretly met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s delegates; the President plans NSA reforms; domestic drones; two of the largest trade bills ever envisioned; the 2014 midterms; …
Morning Must Reads: January 14
In the news: Iran sanctions, Syrian rebel infighting, an appropriations bill, new Obamacare enrollment figures, West Virginia’s water supply, unemployment insurance, and the Weather Channel
Morning Must Reads: January 13
In the news: an interim Iran nuclear accord, the United States’ $1.1 trillion spending bill, and Hillary Clinton’s hit list
Morning Must Reads: January 10
In the news: hiring slows sharply, Chris Christie’s “Bridgegate,” NSA reforms, the fate of the unemployment insurance extension bill, and why the poor and minorities are less likely to vote
Morning Must Reads: January 9
In the News: The sequel to Iraq’s War, the future of unemployment and the Farm Bill, Obama’s NSA limits, and Janet Yellen
Morning Must Reads: January 8
In the News: War on Poverty, Morsi trial delayed, White House pushes back on Gates, Syria moving chemical weapons, and progress on the Farm Bill
Morning Must Reads: January 7
In the News: Sunni revolt in Iraq, how Republicans could win it all in 2014, Questions Behind John Kerry’s Call for Peace, FBI Burglars Reveal Themselves, Income Inequality, and the Fiscal Cliff’s potential comeback