- With ‘Virginia Way’, State Thought it Didn’t Need Rules [NYT]
- U.S. Accuses Security Background Check Firm of Fraud [WSJ]
- “Treasury Secretary Jack Lew has told Congress the U.S. will run out of accounting gimmicks to keep financing the government in late February, setting the stage for another debt-ceiling standoff slightly earlier than expected.” [TIME]
- The GOP Can’t Win as a Party of War in 2014 [The Atlantic]
- “Even though social movements have delivered better career opportunities for women and minorities and government grants have made college more accessible, one thing has stayed constant: If you are growing up poor today, you appear to have the same odds of staying poor in adulthood that your grandparents did.” [Washington Post]
- Hillary Clinton Foes Files FEC Complaint [Politico]
- GOP Cracks Down on 2016 Primary Calendar [National Journal]
- Lankford to Conservative Groups: “I’m not their enemy” [Roll Call]
- Virginia to Fight Ban on Same-Sex Marriage [Washington Post]
- “An independent federal privacy watchdog has concluded that the National Security Agency’s program to collect bulk phone call records has provided only “minimal” benefits in counterterrorism efforts, is illegal and should be shut down.” [NYT]
Prettier in Print
- Cover: The Mindful Revolution by Kate Pickert
- The Case for Snooping by Fareed Zakaria
- Friends in Need by Alex Altman
- America’s Economic Moment By Rana Foroohar
- The ‘Tiger Mom’ Superiority Complex by Suketu Mehta
- Syrian Refugees By James Nachtwey