–BP says the Deepwater Horizon well is sealed and the government is saying most of the oil is gone. That doesn’t mean you won’t be hearing about it on TV this fall:
–Sharron Angle’s ads are still focused on Nevada’s abyssal …
–President Obama is set to deliver a speech on education policy at the National Urban League’s 100th Anniversary Convention today. He will reportedly call for teacher pay to be pegged to performance, a serious bone of contention with unions.
–Harry Reid’s re-election campaign is getting defensive after Nevada lost out on federal …
I took an informal poll of Senate staffers from both sides of the aisle today. What do you think will get done by the time the Senate adjourns the end of next week? 99% of the answers: Um, Kagan?
The Senate is about to vote on the DISCLOSURE Act, the Democratic response to the Supreme Court ruling on Citizens United, it’ll fail. …
–Congressional leaders from both parties are meeting today with President Obama. There’s no official agenda, but they’ll probably discuss what needs to get done before the August recess.
–The House is poised for a vote on the war supplemental. The WikiLeaks doc dump may muddy the waters.
–The DISCLOSE Act, a campaign finance …
–In a show of solidarity, the Obamas will vacation on the Gulf Coast.
–Karen Tumulty writes the White House has skirted racial dialogue at times.
–Virginia Senator Jim Webb dives in head first with an op-ed on “the Myth of White Privilege” in the Wall Street Journal.
–Federal climate legislation is deader than dead for …
The best thing about retiring members: their honesty. Reporters yesterday asked Senator George Voinovich of Ohio, one of the few key GOP votes Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is trying to lure on to his energy bill, what he thought of Reid’s proposal. Voinovich didn’t pull any punches and his answer pretty much sums up the odds of …
REUTERS/Jeff Haynes
–Obama will sign financial regulatory reform into law today. Not pictured: Jamie Dimon or Lloyd Blankfein. Now begins the post-passage PR campaign to sell the bill to voters.
–Tom Vilsack will review the Shirley Sherrod firing.
–The irony of her unseemly ouster is that what she actually said is …
–The GOP has a narrow but very real path to control of the Senate. Nate Silver updates his forecast.
–West Virginia’s legislature leaves the special election to fill Robert Byrd’s seat in doubt.
–Things are looking up for Harry Reid in Nevada. But the state’s economy continues to suffer.
–Obama enters full-blown campaign …
–It’s the question of the moment and Crowley captures the White House’s delicate balancing act well in this week’s cover story for dead tree TIME:
Is the U.S. on a firm path to recovery — one that just needs more time to play out? Or are we trapped in the doldrums, perhaps en route to a lost decade like the one Japan had in the
Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
–John Dickerson reads the polls, sees a failure in salesmanship.
–The White House will get another chance today with the release of the Council of Economic Advisers’ latest stimulus report. Chairwoman Christina Romer will present her findings — that the Recovery Act “saved or created” …
Official White House Photo by Pete Souza
–BP has placed a new cap on the Deepwater Horizon leak and it appears as if oil has stopped gushing into the Gulf. They’re doing tests now to determine if the worst spill in American history is finally over.
–Financial reform has reached 60 and Harry Reid says he’ll call a vote this …
For all the talk of being the “41st Senator” (thus denying the Democrats their supermajority), Scott Brown sure has a knack for delivering numero 60 for Harry Reid and Co. in a pinch. You may remember the time he saved the Democrats’ jobs bill. Today the Massachusetts Senator, who won late-in-the-game concessions in conference committee, …
Many people, myself included, have written about why 2010 isn’t exactly like 1994. Here is another reason: people actually know who Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are, and not in a good way.
Back in 1994, who knew anything about House Speaker Tom Foley or Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell? Voters certainly didn’t. But in the age …