The Senate majority leader steps up the war of rhetoric against the conservative billionaire brothers with a drug pun on the Senate floor
Harry Reid
Harry Reid Released From Hospital
Doctors diagnosed the Nevada Senator with exhaustion, but he is now “cleared to go back to work”
Senate Majority Leader Reid Hospitalized
His office says its a precaution, but he will not be working today
Cruz Loses Support for Anti-Obamacare Tactic
He’s trying to block a bill he supports because he’s worried Democrats will restore funding for health care law later
Maybe It Really Is About Abortion…
The pro-life Susan B. Anthony List and Rep. Jim Jordan, head of the Republican Study Committee, just held a conference call in which Jordan said the fight is all about abortion. “The country’s broke. The vast majority of Americans, whether they’re pro-life or not, don’t want their tax dollars being spent to take the life of …
Mixed Messages on a Possible Budget Deal
Someone is lying. Or spinning us mercilessly, if you prefer to be charitable. A little after 2 PM, Harry Reid stepped in front of a slate of cameras to accuse House Republicans of “wanting to shut down the federal government over women’s access to health care.” If that sounds ridiculous, Reid added, “it is ridiculous.”
Not true, says …
Is This Really All About Abortion?
This morning Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called the networks together and gave them an update on the negotiations (as I type this Reid is starting another press conference in the Senate). He said the issues have narrowed to one: abortion. Reid said House Speaker John Boehner is pushing a rider that would make Title X into block …
Boehner’s Choice
John Boehner has a decision to make. And in some ways it’s akin to choosing between his children. By midnight tonight the government will shut down unless an agreement can be reached between the Speaker and President Obama. Whatever Boehner decides will have long-reaching implications for his Speakership.
Ideally, Boehner would have …
With Time Running Out, Still No Budget Deal
Updated, 9:55 PM
As negotiations over the federal budget crawl toward a conclusion, the process has taken on something of a surreal flavor. Members of Congress busy themselves by putting out statements assigning blame for an …
Riders on the (Shutdown) Storm
The budget debate is far from over, but the good news is that they’re still talking: Senate majority leader Harry Reid and House Speaker John Boehner are heading back to the White House at 1 p.m. on Thursday. But the morning’s gloomy prognostications don’t bode well for the chances of averting a government shutdown.
If you listen to …
Can John Boehner Convince Republicans to Compromise on the Budget?
John Boehner, who often meets the press flanked by a team of deputies, took the podium alone on Thursday. With a week left before the government shuts down April 8, the House Speaker took pains to dispel rumors of a deal. “There is no agreement” on a pact that would cut $33 billion from the federal budget, Boehner insisted, despite …
House Republicans Hold the Line on Spending Cuts
TPM’s Brian Beutler reports that House Republicans are prepared to reject a White House offer to cut more than $30 billion from the federal budget over the remainder of the 2011 fiscal year. The sticking point, Beutler writes, is a dispute over whether some of the money should come from mandatory spending programs:
Democrats are pushing
With a Shutdown Looming, Budget Bickering Intensifies
Rested from its weeklong recess, Congress returns on Monday for its latest round of budget brinksmanship. After a half-dozen stopgap funding bills in as many months, the threat of a government shutdown looms once more, with the lights set to go off on April 8 — unless the two parties can hammer out a deal that runs through the end of …