
Operation “Kill Romney”

Mitt Romney’s camp is up in arms today about a Politico report that team Obama plans to “kill Romney” with a barrage of personal attacks that make him out to be a weirdo who flunks the have-a-beer-with-him test. (“Disgraceful,” Romney’s campaign manager told Fox News this morning.) Never mind that the metaphor quoted above is exceedingly …

How the Debt Deal Sets Up Washington for a Bitter Tax Fight

Now that a compromise has been reached to raise the debt limit, there is a good chance that the political climate in Washington is going to get worse. And the reason can be found on Page 49 of the bill that President Obama signed into law on Tuesday: “On January 2, 2013, for fiscal year 2013, OMB shall calculate and the President shall …

The Debt Limit Compromise: A Likely Short-Term Drag on Jobs

Exit polls from last November’s midterms left little ambiguity about the issue that motivated most voters: 63% listed “the economy” as the most important issue. When asked the top priority for Congress in 2011, only 40% said “reducing the budget deficit,” while 55% said “cutting taxes” or “spending money to create …

The Real American Crisis: Housing

While everyone focuses on the pathetic, dangerous political theater of the fabricated debt ceiling crisis, here’s a crisis that is actually responsible for the stunted recovery. Bank of America has joined Citigroup, J.P. Morgan Chase and others in bulldozing homes to reduce the housing supply. It is the latest indication of how desperate …

Harry Reid’s Canny Waiting Game

The House on Thursday is expected to vote on its latest iteration of a debt ceiling increase matched with spending cuts. With less than a week left before the government starts suspending services to avoid default, the Senate has …

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