Emails Every Reporter Likes to Get

The Clinton campaign, there with the quotes you need — before you need them!:

A report out of Michigan suggests that the legislation for a new vote is stalled while a proposal is being floated in Florida to address the situation there. [Looking for this.–amc] Below are statements attributable to me in case you’re tracking these

In the Arena In the Arena

McCain’s Sunni Shi’ites

I was going to give John McCain a break on his Al Qaeda-Iran gaffe yesterday. After all, it wasn’t a Kinsleyian gaffe–the inadvertant blurting of an unacceptable truth–it was just a plain old slip of the tongue, a brain fart. Surely, McCain knows that Iran is Shi’ite and Al Qaeda is Sunni…and I’ve been pretty rough on the Senator …

McCain Campaign Gets All Ironic in Obama’s Grill

Whether or not you find the repeated use of what we called “scare quotes” in graduate school a sign of pique or merely snarky is up to readers. I do, however, look forward to these guys debating.

“Senator Obama says that ending the war will not be easy, that ‘there will be dangers involved.’ Yet, in that patented way of his, he declines

Clinton Conference Call 3/18/08

You know, I am trying to believe there’s nothing weird about how I haven’t been getting regular invitations to the conference calls since I started giving them “close coverage,” but sometimes…. In any case, direct audio for today’s here.

In the Arena In the Arena

And Still More Obama: On Iraq

Barack Obama’s Big Iraq speech–a day after his Big Race speech–is something of a mixed bag. He is still insisting that he can pull most US troops out of Iraq in 16 months, which his former advisor Samantha Power accurately described as “a best case scenario.”

But the real value of Obama’s speech was his effort to put Iraq into a …

Five Years Young: Vanity Fair’s Iraq Archive

The signs never got better, exactly:

“There’s white, there’s black, and there’s gray,” a recently retired army recruiting-station commander told me. “Any recruiter who’s successful lives in the gray and goes into the black pretty often.… There’s no way to recruit within the rules and be successful.”

That’s from 2005’s “The Recruiters’

Obama, Only Tangentially Related to The Speech

Ambinder (or, as he’s known around some parts, “Ambers”) has a good point about the Michigan/Florida shenanigans:

The seeming kiboshing that was done to the new primaries in Florida and Michigan is, on its face, a huge victory for Obama. But Clinton’s visit tomorrow will press the issue in a way that is bound to force Obama’s hand to

In the Arena In the Arena

More on Obama

This comment, from KHT, deserves a post of its own:

I am a biracial woman, under 30, who identifies as black, just as Obama does. I am also a woman who was raised by her white mother and white grandmother in a white church. As an adult I have found myself in both white and black churches but rarely a mixed church. Obama’s statement about

Cute or Sad?

• “Until this election, presidential campaign merchandising was largely limited to yard signs, lapel pins, bumper stickers and other baubles…This time, the campaigns have still been giving plenty of paraphernalia away, but they’ve also leveraged a growing Web presence to reach a population willing to pay for the same gear, plus

In the Arena In the Arena

Obama’s Speech

I’ll have a lot more to say about Barack Obama’s stunning speech in my print column this week. Right now, though, the immediate, tawdry issue for the Obama campaign is this: How will the media play it? What will the sound bites be on the evening news tonight (especially the local evening news)? After all, the speech was delivered at …

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