Obama’s Passport Files Hacked

NBC is reporting that two State Department contract employees have been fired, and a third person disciplined, for snooping around in Barack Obama’s passport file.

“A monitoring system was tripped when an employee accessed the records of a high-profile individual,” a department official told NBC News. “When the monitoring system is

Pennsylvania Voter Registration Soars

Both CNN and AP are reporting big increases in Democratic voter registration in Pennsylvania in advance of the April 22 primary. But there’s an interesting and potentially significant tidbit down in the AP story:

_ The nine counties with the biggest percentage increases in Democratic enrollment since last fall — more than 5 percent

In the Arena In the Arena


Let’s do the caveats in advance:

1. general election matchup polls are nearly meaningless at this point.
2. the results below may not reflect the reaction to Obama’s race speech.

But it does seem that the Jeremiah Wright flap has badly hurt Barack Obama…for the moment.

Here’s Ohio.

Here’s Missouri, where Obama beat Clinton…and …

In the Arena In the Arena

Kitchen Sink or Toilet Bowl?

A confession: I’d have no problem with either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama answering the crisis phone at 3 am, even though neither of them have any real experience in life-and-death crises. Both have faced stiff tests of judgment and gumption during this campaign, and both have passed. I don’t think either one of them is going to get …

Obama Release on Clinton Schedules; Obama Conference Call

Whoever told reporters that HRC’s schedules held “no smoking guns” must posses a somewhat insensitive fire alarm. The Obama campaign sees things quite differently and is particularly eager to set a match to the documentation of the First Lady’s involvement in pushing through NAFTA:

AP — She also was an early champion of the North

Funny Ha, Ha More Than Funny Strange

• “International Association of Time Travelers: Members’ Forum… ‘Freedomfighter69, as you are a new member, please read IATT Bulletin 1147 regarding the killing of Hitler before your next excursion. Failure to do so may result in your expulsion per Bylaw 223.'” [Abyss and Apex]

• “Great Moments in Journalism: Hillary Was in White

Take Back America

Not unsurprisingly, Obama won the Take Back America straw poll. The progressives today finish their annual three-day conference here in DC. A whopping 72% were for Obama, compared to 16% for Clinton, with just 12% saying they’d be happy with either. And 69% said Obama was better equipped to beat McCain versus 15% for Clinton. (See …

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