Domestic Policy

And the Winner Is…

Anyone hoping for a sign that the anti-establishment fever has peaked got mixed messages from Colorado’s Senate primaries Tuesday night.

On the Democratic side, establishment favorite Michael Bennet won the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate, beating out former Colorado House speaker Andrew Romanoff with 54% of the vote with 77% of

RE: Rangel’s Rant

Thanks to TIME’s Katy Steinmetz, a rough transcript of Rep. Charlie Rangel’s speech on the floor today:

The Speaker Pro Tempore: For what purpose does the gentleman from New York seek recognition? The house will be in order. Members will take their seats. The house will be in order. Members will please clear the aisles. The chair is …

Rangel’s Rant

Video courtesy of C-SPAN

In an unprecedented 31-minute speech on the House floor done against the advice of lawyers and friends, Rep. Charlie Rangel, attacked head on the allegations against him and the process under which he said he’s suffered unfairly.

Rangel seemed to …

Dem Slaps Pelosi, Obama in Ad


Sure, Joe Donnelly’s district went twice for George W. Bush and is rated R+2 by Cook Political Report. But in 2008 Obama won Donnelly’s South Bend district with 54% of the vote and Donnelly himself won a sophomore term with 67%. All freshmen and sophomores are nervous and many are …

Today’s Races

Today’s Tuesday and that means voting. Colorado, Connecticut and Minnesota are holding primaries and Georgia’s GOP gubernatorial races holds a run off. By tonight we’ll know if another incumbent scalp, that of Colorado’s Michael Bennet, has been claimed or if the throw-the-bums-out mentality this cycle is abating somewhat. Here’s a

The House’s Special Session

Ah, the joys of special session. Today 255 House Dems and 178 House Republicans are making their way back to Washington for a 24-hour session of the lower chamber. The reason? A $26.1 billion bill providing aid to the states that the Senate finally managed to push through before adjourning last week — about half of the original $50 …


One of the more strenuous tasks I perform each week is to lend my vote to the Matthews Meter for Chris Matthews’ Sunday show. This past week we were asked whether the Republicans would stick to the economic message in the fall campaign. The vote was 11-1 that they would. I was the one. Let me explain:

Morning Must Reads: Jobs Lost, Jobs Gained

–Recovery is in a full-blown stall. The unemployment rate stayed at 9.5% in July as the economy lost 131,00 jobs. Losses were fed in part by departing temporary census workers; the private sector added 71,000 new positions, albeit below expectations.

–White House Council of Economic Advisers chairwoman Christina Romer plans to

The DOJ Cracks Down on Arizona Sheriff

Our colleague Elizabeth Dias files this report:

If you’ve followed the illegal immigration controversy in Arizona, you’ll be familiar with the state’s hard-edged Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is famous for dressing inmates in pink underwear and for boasting an all-female chain gang. Loved by conservatives, hated by immigrant-rights groups,

Kagan Confirmed

After another summer of hyperbolic debate, the Senate voted 63-37 Thursday to confirm solicitor general and former Harvard Law School dean Elena Kagan as the next Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.

Despite the obligatory objections over her judicial record (or lack thereof), legal philosophy (real and imagined) and all-around …

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