Harry Reid

Could the Senate be on the Cusp of Blowing Another Health Care Deadline?

Senate Democrats have been waiting on tenterhooks for a score from the Congressional Budget Office before they can introduce their health care reform bill and start the debate. Assuming the score comes today, the bill could be introduced as early as tomorrow. But, don’t get your hopes up for a vote any time soon. Senator Blanche …

Sessions to Filibuster Obama’s 7th Circuit Nominee

Jeff Sessions, the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, today told reporters that he plans on filibustering David Hamilton, President Obama’s nominee to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals. “I intend not to support going forward on the Hamilton vote,” Sessions said. “Unlike Justice Sotomayor, when asked to discuss the empathy …

Latest Installment of Make ’em Filibuster

As long-time readers of Swampland know, I am a big proponent of the filibuster. And I mean the Real Filibuster–not the make-believe ones that the little girls of the United States Senate are constantly waging, and not the occasional exercises where they pull out the fainting couches cots and pretend that they are actually going to sleep …

Dems Go It Alone

I asked a lot of members over the weekend: why pass the bill now? After the August protests there had been much speculation that the House would wait for the Senate to act. Some members said that Speaker Pelosi didn’t want them going home for another recess to face more Tea Party madness (the House, having adjourned very early Sunday …

The Public Option: Five Reasons Harry Reid Went For It

Less than two weeks ago, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s aides and colleagues were saying they were all but certain he would bring health care legislation to the Senate floor without a public option. Yesterday, as everyone who follows this issue now knows, he did the opposite. It’s a big gamble. While Reid will likely be able to hold …

Health Care: Public Option Smoke Signals

We are clearly at a very weird phase of this process, as David Kurtz explains here.

I’m not going to pretend I’ve got anything that resembles clarity, but I’m being told by a normally trustworthy source that at last night’s White House meeting, the President referred to the triggered public option as one of the ideas on the table …

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