Alex Rogers

Alex Rogers is a reporter in TIME's Washington bureau. A native of Maryland, he graduated from Vanderbilt University. He is on Twitter at @arogDC.

Articles from Contributor

Morning Must Reads: March 1

In the news: Obama and congressional leaders meet, Justice Scalia opines on the Voting Rights Act, the fading gun control movement, and the future of Italy and the Euro.

Morning Must Reads: February 27

In the news: Wal-Mart in trouble, Robin Kelly wins Dem. primary, Gov. Christie approves Medicaid under Obamacare, and Fed Chairman Bernake gives Congress a lesson in austerity economics.

Morning Must Reads: February 26

In the news today: “shy” NRA chief Wayne LaPierre, immigration reform talks, Italy’s meltdown, gun control breakdown, and dozens of Republicans tell Supreme Court gay people have a constitutional right to marry.

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