New ad asks, ‘what is Congress afraid of?’
Gun Control
Harvey Weinstein to Take Aim at NRA in New Movie
“They’re going to wish they weren’t alive after I’m done with them”
Gun Control Activists Seek to Reboot After Newtown Shooting Momentum Fades
Learning lessons from the failed federal push
Senate Renews Ban on Plastic Guns, Rejects Expanded Restrictions
As the one-year anniversary of the Sandy Hook shooting approaches, the vote deals yet another blow to advocates of stricter gun controls
Gabrielle Giffords Goes to a Gun Show
Leading gun control advocate touts agreement to monitor show sales
Inside NRA University: The Gun Group Takes Supporters to School
A crash course in the gun debate, taught by the lobbying powerhouse that shapes it.
Bloomberg’s Gamble: Risking the Democratic Senate Majority for Gun Control
The NYC mayor has attacked vulnerable Democrats over gun control votes, possibly endangering the movement towards stricter federal gun control law.
The Battle Over Gun Control Follows Key Senators Back Home
There’s no place like home for Senators Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), Max Baucus (D-Mont.), and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) after they voted to kill the bill expanding gun background checks.
An Angry Obama Lashes Out After Gun Control Defeat
Stoned faced and curt, the President used unusually pointed words to criticize the 45 Senators, including four Democrats, who successfully defeated the bill…
President Obama’s Speech On Gun Control Bill Defeat (Transcript)
“Sooner or later, we are going to get this right. The memories of these children demand it. And so do the American people.”
Senate Guns Down Background Checks
The NRA prevails in its fight with Obama
Gun Bill’s Prospects Dim as Senate Struggles with Background Checks
A bipartisan deal to expand background checks is struggling to muster the 60 votes required to clear the Senate.
Gun Control: What Really Matters
I’m worried about what happens if the Congress passes the tepid but worthy background checks measure being debated this week.