Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s over-hyped 2008 presidential campaign was actually run by the same man who likely would have directed Chris Christie’s over-hyped 2012 presidential campaign if the New Jersey governor hadn’t thought better of it. The similarities don’t end there. Rudy and Christie are both northeastern moderates with more liberal marks on their records than their conservative admirers care to admit, and their sway in national politics is sometimes exaggerated by their proximity to the media’s nerve-center in New York. Oh, and despite the articles you’ll read every month or two telling you otherwise, neither man is running for President.
Top 10 People Really, Truly, Honestly Not Running for President
Chris Christie is only the latest in slew of politicians whose supposed 2012 aspirations turned out to be nothing more than D.C.'s collective fever dream.
Rudy Giuliani
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Top 10 People Really, Truly, Honestly Not Running for President