In the Arena In the Arena

A Jobs Speech with Elbows

The President gave a terrific economic speech today, proposing some new jobs-creating initiatives, one of which–a 0% capital gains tax rate for small businesses–seems a Republican dream, but was hilariously opposed on deficit cutting grounds by Senator Mitch McConnell…whose votes on a range of budget items during the Bush presidency …

The Hamid Karzai Timetable

Today, in Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai gave his own assessment to the length of time U.S. forces will need to stay in his country. It did not overlap too exactly with President Obama’s plan to begin drawing down forces in July of 2011, less than two years from now. The Associated Press reports:

After meeting Tuesday with U.S. Defense

In the Arena In the Arena

Bank on Infrastructure

This is one of the happier economic weeks the President has had this year. The unemployment numbers weren’t as bad as expected. The big banks are paying back their TARP loans ahead of schedule and with interest. But Obama has wisely decided to keep pushing jobs creation in a speech today (and may also start pushing deficit reduction by …

In the Arena In the Arena

Climate Sanity

Lots of delusional nonsense from the right about climate change these days–especially the hyping of hacked emails from the East Anglia laboratory, which demonstrate that climate scientists can be every bit as unfortunately over-exuberant as other obsessive advocates. But the essential truth about climate change remains the same, as this

The Health Reform Abortion Wars, Part Deux

What is it about those Nebraska governors-turned-senators? Did they not get enough attention as children? Do they chafe at being told they hail from a “flyover” state? Does that unicameral legislature leave too few adoring supporters? Bob Kerrey was infamous for waiting until the verrrrrry last moment to make up his mind on important …

In the Arena In the Arena

A Shoe Drops

This is important. For the Obama surge to work in Afghanistan, the Taliban/Al Qaeda safe havens in Pakistan have to be cleaned out. The Pakistanis have been reluctant to do that–given that they invented the Taliban (to counter a feared Indian takeover of Afghanistan). But the Obamistas seem to have delivered an ultimatum: you move …

It’s election time, again!

Tomorrow, Massachusetts voters will go to the polls for primaries to fill Teddy Kennedy’s Senate seat. Bet on whomever can survive on the lowest turnout. No, seriously, having lived in Massachusetts for six bitter winters, I can attest: ain’t nobody gonna be lining up outside in the cold for any of these virtually unheard of …

A “Public Option Compromise” That’s Not?

If the weekend is any guide, the Senate health reform bill is not likely to undergo much tweaking. Between Friday and Sunday, despite hours of debate on the Senate floor, the only amendments that passed were those from Democrats simply reiterating things the bill already calls for. One sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse was a “sense …

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