The Rick Warren Choice: Offensive, Foolish, or Just Uninspired?

From TIME’s Amy Sullivan:

Liberals are furious with Obama for asking mega-church pastor and evangelical Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at his Inauguration. Conservatives are furious with Warren for accepting the invitation (just as they savaged him two years ago when he invited Obama to speak at his annual HIV/AIDS conference).

Mary Schapiro to the SEC

Just in time to deal with the Madoff Mess. She’s got the qualifications and the chops. I love this exchange:

Schapiro has shown aplomb during 20 years as a Washington- based-regulator. When she became CFTC chairman 14 years ago, then-Chicago Board of Trade President Thomas Donovan said he wouldn’t be “intimidated by some

Bush Baits the Bailout Bear

The White House today played coy about prospects of an auto bailout. Here’s CBS’s inestimable Bill Plante trying to nail down an answer during today’s briefing with White House Press Secretary Dana Perino:

Q Just one more time. Why do you say, “if we decide to do it”?

MS. PERINO: Because I don’t have an announcement

More Evidence The Press Corps Is Poop

This is from the latest Obama pool report:

After the press conference at dodge academy, pe obama and vpe biden went upstairs for a 15 minute meeting with a group of 1st-4th graders–about a dozen.
After a few minutes of chit chat in which he asked the kids what they were studying–(when one child said “decimals” mr obama replied

In the Arena In the Arena

Who Plays…Who Pays.

I’ve met Caroline Kennedy a few times and she seems like a good person. Compared to many children of the rich and famous, she has lived her life quietly, modestly, in exemplary fashion. She has worked hard for worthy causes; those who’ve worked with her say she is intelligent and self-effacing. Or was self-effacing. You can’t really say …

Fitzgerald to Obama: Not So Fast

The Obama transition office has just released the following statement:

“At the direction of the President-elect, a review of Transition staff contacts with Governor Blagojevich and his office has been conducted and completed and is ready for release. That review affirmed the public statements of the President-elect that he had no

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