Random: Some Late Entries from Last Week

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“Absent any other explanation, one has to assume that McCain is in close contact with the Grim Reaper himself. It makes me wonder what McCain knows of the plans that Pestilence and Famine have for America between now and the year 2013. Naturally, you can pretty much assume that McCain is following War on Twitter.” [Jason @ HuffPo]

Drinking game words for this clip: “awesome,” “memorable,” and “100,000.” Finish your drink if you see any poll pole [HA!] dancing. [McCain Blogette]

“A cruel fact of media life, which I checked by reading coverage of the debates, is that no one will write a big story about a debate in which candidates explain their views on health insurance. In a Republican debate last fall in Dearborn, Michigan, Chris Matthews, of MSNBC, asked Fred Thompson to name the prime minister of Canada. Thompson got it—’Harper … Prime Minister Harper’—but, Matthews told me, ‘Sometimes you have the sense that someone doesn’t know, and it would have been a very big story in the Canadian press, up there on the border, if he didn’t.’” [The Atlantic]

“Quite simply, there is no time allocated for the Chinese to be called Nazis right now. The Iranians were the Nazis for the previous six months, now the Russians are scheduled to be the Nazis until the elections in November.” [Balloon Juice]

See, you’d think that the two zeros at the end would make it easier for the year 2000 to fit in the tubes. But you’d be wrong: “In 1999, Stevens asked Bill Allen to purchase and install a backup electric generator at the Girdwood Residence…’Incidentally, I asked Bill Allen to hook up a generator to our chalet for Y2K – JUST IN CASE!!’” [USAT]

“The Greek tragedy aspect of this election could turn out to be, George Bush defeats John McCain twice.” [Texas Monthly]