Random: Why So Serious?

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“In the scene, Ledger, who plays the Joker, is terrorizing a ballroom filled with people. Leahy, a longtime batman fan, steps up to confront Ledger.” [The Hill]

“There’s a reason more than a few of his Democratic opponents like to call him ‘a Boy Scout with a switchblade.’”[Minnesota Monthly]

“I have seen first-hand what havoc those in positions of authority can wreak when they post on the Internet, or attempt to use technology without understanding it. Information on troop movements, supply levels, diagrams of weapons systems, chemical munitions, you name it, has been posted to the likes of YouTube and Flickr, and hosted on unprotected and unsecured .COMs. All in a misguided attempt to look ‘hip’ or ‘cool’ or ‘net savvy.’” [Danger Room]

“These early head-to-head polls and the vast enterprise of political analysis, nit-picking and minute speculation they support, are, to a first order of approximation, worthless. In short, you resolve the paradox by ignoring them.” [FT]

“If the campaign staff wants to rent a bus for press, tell them where they can rent a bus.” [WT]