The War Over REAL ID

This is an issue that is not getting much attention in the presidential campaign–or in Congress–but a battle is raging out in the states. Here’s a story I wrote about it for

The Governors are objecting primarily because of the costs, but civil libertarians have raised concerns about the new licenses as well, saying they are, …

A Defense of Bill Clinton

comes from a most unlikely quarter. Kathleen Parker at National Review, who actually heard his speech Friday night in Charlotte, writes that accounts of it have been distorted:

In no way did I interpret Clinton’s remarks as questioning Obama’s patriotism. Clinton was making the case for his wife’s electability against McCain, who

Passport to Trouble

Last Thursday the Obama campaign was up in arms over the news that the Illinois senator’s passport information had been breached.

“Our government’s duty is to protect the private information of the American people, not use it for political purposes,” said Obama spokesman Bill Burton. “This is a serious matter that merits a complete

In the Arena In the Arena

Jeremiah Wright on 9/11

There’s an interesting conversation going on in the comment thread to my Obama post below about what is hate speech and what it anger…and several commenters have also pointed out that Jeremiah Wright was quoted out of context when he talked about America’s “chickens coming home to roost” on 9/11. Yes and No. Wright was quoting a U.S. …

ANOTHER UPDATE: Hillary Got Hacked, Too.

This in my email from CBS. I’ll post a link when I get one:

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has told Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton her
passport file was breached in 2007. This comes after similar news about Sen.
Barack Obama’s file.

UPDATE: Senator Clinton’s office just put out this statement:


Clinton Conference Call, 3/21/08

Lengthy, repetitive, and starring Andrea Mitchell. Did you know that we should count the votes? Notes after the jump, audio TK. Also, Phil Singer was en fuego!

Quotes of the call:

Singer: [Obama campaign] distributed photos of President Clinton shaking hands with Rev Wright within hours of calling for a high minded debate, well, Clinton

Obama Conference Call, 3/21/08

Plugged as “Obama Campaign Conference Call to Discuss Clinton Campaign’s Pattern of Misleading Voters,” participants included David Plouffe and Greg Craig and, as per usual with Obamanians, it was short, tight, and sweet. Notes after the jump, audio ASAP.

Quote of the call:

Plouffe: Essential assertions of her candidacy have proven to

In the Arena In the Arena

Obama Roundup

Here are two theories about the Obama passport breach situation:

1. It was a witting attempt by an opposing political operative to flesh out the scurrilous Obama as Islamic Manchurian Candidate rumors–i.e. did he travel to rogue states like Libya, make a hajj to Mecca, spend a summer vacation as a mujaheddin in Afghanistan? There is a …

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