rick perry

Breaking: Rick Perry Is “An American”


Lucas Baiano, the guy who made Rick Perry’s new web video, was born and raised on the far side of the Canadian border. This doesn’t matter of course. Baiano is legal to work in the United States, and his dedication to the American political system is unquestioned. After volunteering for both …

Is Romney Really a Lock in New Hampshire?

Summer is fast turning to fall here in New Hampshire, where I’m reporting a story for the print magazine, and it strikes me that there’s been curiously little talk of late about this state’s traditionally all-important primary. To be fair, in the past several months the Republican presidential race has revolved around other things: Iowa, …

Rick Perry Gives Good Ads

Perhaps the only thing that beats a politician in chaps is that same politician walking through a sausage factory, all the while looking good and not at all phony. Meet Texas Gov. Rick Perry, whose long political career, is filled with high quality and effective television spots.

Sometimes he is the Marlboro Man. Sometimes he is right …

Social Security: Picture of a Ponzi Scheme or Not?

In 2008, I found myself in the Crystal City office of Doug Holtz-Eakin, the top economic adviser to Republican presidential nominee John McCain. When talk turned to Social Security, he said a version of what just about every serious fiscal analyst says these days: This is not that hard of a nut to crack. Sure there is a debate about just …

Ron Paul Goes After Rick Perry


In a new ad released on Tuesday, Ron Paul hammers fellow Texan and Republican presidential rival Rick Perry, calling Perry’s conservative credentials into doubt by juxtaposing the candidates’ past political allegiances.

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