
And he even comes with a ready-made dKos handle, Matrix:

“This doesn’t sound like Scott. It really doesn’t. Not the Scott McClellan I’ve known for a long time. … It sounds like somebody else. It sounds like a left-wing blogger.”

And yet I doubt McClellan will be speaking at “Netroots Nation” come summer. The book appears to wade …

Rules & Bylaws Agenda

So, what exactly will the much anticipated Rules & Bylaws Committee be discussing this Saturday in Washington? Some juicy tidbits from the schedule being circulated:

Florida has two challenges before the committee, one to reinstate its superdelegates as the state contends that the committee did not have the jurisdiction to remove those …

Scott McClellan Tells All

The robotic former press secretary pulls no punches in his new book, according to the Washington Post account of it:

Former White House press secretary Scott McClellan writes in a new memoir that the Iraq war was sold to the American people with a sophisticated “political propaganda campaign” led by President Bush and aimed at

More On Campaign Finance

Speaking of keeping track of donations, the NYT has turned on Obama on this subject, expressing cautious admiration for McCain and chiding Obama.

Campaign finance is one of the areas where McCain is hoping to use Obama’s message of post-partisanship as a lever to bring the candidates closer together rather than farther apart: McCain’s …

McCain Conference Call Today

What would you ask?

Media Advisory
Conference Call Discussing John McCain’s Remarks on Foreign Policy

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

ARLINGTON, VA — Today at 2:30 p.m. EDT, U.S. Senator John McCain’s presidential campaign will hold a press conference call with senior foreign policy and national security advisor Randy Scheunemann and national

The Change We’ve Been Waiting For

Clinton’s and Obama’s history making campaigns are positively post-modern:

The campaign finance reports filed by Obama and Clinton have grown so massive that they’ve strained the capacity of the Federal Election Commission, good government groups, the media and even software applications to process and make sense of the data.


In the Arena In the Arena

Memorial Day II

Thanks to the commenters for all the wonderful poetry below. It really is the best way to remember the obscenity of war and to honor the dead. In 1984, I wrote a book about five Marines who served together in Vietnam and what happened to them when they came home. It was called Payback and I began each chapter with a quotation from the …

In the Arena In the Arena

Memorial Day

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the

In the Arena In the Arena

Lou Demagogue

Given the amount of serious journalism going on at CNN–the reporters risking their lives on battlefields all over the world, fine journalists like John King and Candy Crowley working to report the presidential campaign accurately, the excellent fact-checking that Wolf Blitzer did earlier this year on the Obama Madrasa smear–given all …

In the Arena In the Arena

Sympathy for Hillary

I take all of Karen’s points below–and the fact that Clinton mentioned Bobby Kennedy’s assassination in conversation with Rick Stengel in March shows that Obama’s vulnerability to racist nutjobs has been in her mind for months now–but still, I have a certain amount of sympathy for her. The woman is clearly exhausted.

And I’d also …

Hillary’s Apology (ish)


“Earlier today, I was discussing the Democratic primary history, and in the course of that discussion mentioned the campaigns that both my husband and Senator Kennedy waged in California in June in 1992 and 1968. And I was referencing those to make the point that we have had nomination, primary contests that go into June.

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