Cedar Rapids–I only have a few minutes to post here, but Obama has just completed his first real campaign event, a town meeting in a high school gymnasium. Large audience, natch…But really striking for these reasons:
–very low key and serious. No hokey intro music. No stump speech. Just Q & A. “The country’s in a serious, sober mood …
Back inside from the Obama rally, hoping to regain the use of my feet, checking around for reactions…and look at this from The Corner. Aside from the fact that we’re in Illinois, not New Hampshire…
And more from Lopez.
The Obama websiteis streaming live TV of the Senator’s announcement…I’m about to leave this clean, well-heated press filing center to brave arctic cold and watch the speech that I’ve just read: very inspiring, as expected, not many details, as expected…I”ll have more to say about Obama’s first day of campaigning later today, after he …
As a newcomer to this blogging business, I’ve been interested in the Edwards dust-up. As readers know, I’ve been critical of the tone of the left-wing blogosphere in the past. But I think that Yglesias raises an important point here and anyone reading the comments section of any Swampland post knows that troglyditic right-wing …
Here at Swampland HQ, there is a topic that we turn to almost as often as politics, and that is the fountain of awesomeness that is Wizards superstar Gilbert Arenas. Imagine my joy at another blogger creating a way — a dubious yet enjoyable way — to bring Swamplanders’ two favorite subjects together:
*The “Black President” Factor:
Hey, have you heard this?
Intelligence provided by former undersecretary of defense Douglas J. Feith to buttress the White House case for invading Iraq included “reporting of dubious quality or reliability” that supported the political views of senior administration officials rather than the conclusions of the intelligence community,
for your service to our country. Moms also serve. This, from a reader:
You can count me with the Hagel, Reed, Murtha and Webb crowd. I put a kid on a bus for basic in 86 and been watching ever since while much went unnoticed. Every uniform I see is my skin. And I’m totally tired of the ‘TROOPS’ as a political football from the WH to
In which the columnist offers an opinion on the latest posturings of Senators Lieberman and McCain.
Will be interesting to see what the RNC has to say about this, just in from House Sergeant of Arms Bill Livingood (though the delay in getting this statement out makes you wonder about the reflexes of the Pelosi shop):
For Immediate Release
February 8, 2007
As the Sergeant at Arms, I have the responsibility to ensure the security of …
The consensus among those on the right-hand second row of the court room yesterday was that the defense’s rambling, repetitive approach to cross examination is a deliberate strategy to wear the jury down — to lull them into reasonable doubt by making Fitzgerald’s crisp narrative (Basically: “He lied. And he meant to lie.”) seem like a …
None other than White House Press Secretary Tony Snow has come to the defense of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, pronouncing the flap over her use of a government plane to fly back and forth from her San Francisco a nontroversy:
This is a silly story, and I think it’s been unfair to the speaker.
Snow elaborated:
We think it’s important that the
My colleague Massimo Calabresi has this story in the latest issue of the dead-tree magazine regarding the controversy surrounding John Edwards and the bloggers he has hired. Meanwhile, the Edwards campaign a few minutes ago issued this ratherly oddly worded statement, which would suggest that yesterday’s reports of their firing were …
James Taranto points out –accurately–that Democratic poiticians are having some difficulty figuring out what to do about Iran. Several readers have asked where I stand on the issue. Let me make a few points:
–We should do more than merely talk with Iran. We should recognize Iran. As I argued several years ago, the U.S. policy of …