Funny Because It’s True?

A correction just sent out by the White House to their transcript of a press gaggle by Stephen Hadley, Dan Bartlett, and Tony Snow:

Corrects comedy to comity

Specifically, in the uncorrected version:

BARTLETT: So what this is, is a political compromise in the Democratic caucus of the House, aimed at bringing comedy to their internal

Re: Post-Libby

Here’s the cover story on the Libby verdict in the new issue of TIME, written with great insight by Michael Duffy. I can’t add anything to it, except to recommend that you read it. Be sure you make it all the way to the “Bull Walrus” part.


cfaller96 asks:

Ana do you (and others at Time) feel that the Libby “story” is generally over? Do you have any sense as to what Time reporters are doing on this story?

What I’m asking here is, doesn’t the conviction of a top Administration official beg MORE questions, not less? Shouldn’t the Administration be forced by media outlets

Swamplanders Sleep Late/Edwards and Fox

Actually, I think most of us are working on stories. But I’ll do my best to keep this real estate from going too long without being turned.

I’m fascinated by Edwards’ decision to turn down the Nevada/Fox News debate, and will be watching closely to see if it winds up helping or hurting him. Some think that it was an honorable move but …

In the Arena In the Arena

Financial Mud: A Users Guide

It doesn’t seem to me that there is much more than a tiny, indistinct tendril of smoke emanating from the story about Obama’s finances in the Times today. I hope we’re not in for a sustained gloop of such pieces this year, but if we are let me raise a few points:

1. You won’t read many coming from me. They’re boring, impenetrable–I …

Puff Piece?

Ann Coulter isn’t rich and (in)famous because the MSM has been soft on her. Precisely the opposite is true. Every time the mainstream media writes a story about the outrage caused by one of her extremely deliberate insults, Coulter sells more books and lands another lucrative speaking gig. The chronicling of that outrage, which many …

This Just In from the High Sheriffs

You ask, and we answer. Our back and forth today here at Swampland has had the High Sheriffs at TIME going over the profanity filter they just installed, and this is what they discovered:

“Dick” was in fact on our list. I’ve removed it. Comments mentioning the VP will now be allowed.

Belated Libby Thoughts

I got the verdict wrong — but I think I got the jury right. As I’ve said, they were an earnest bunch, wearing matching heart-printed shirts on Valentine’s Day and, during deliberations, seeking a dictionary to help guide them through a thicket of jargon. They were so attentive and careful, I assumed that they’d take the idea of …

This Thing Is Still On

I want to thank Karen for picking up the slack (and my piece) yesterday, now I’ll try to remind people that we’re more than a comment board, we actually sometimes give people something to comment on… which is sometimes something about a comment. I am, for instance, happy to have an excuse to repeat my thoughts on Ann Coulter — or, as …

A Comment on Our Comments

Several of our sharp-eyed commenters here at Swampland have complained that their posts are not showing up in the comments section. As we have tried to keep this back and forth with our readers as open as possible, I was particularly alarmed to see this from James in Los Angeles this morning regarding the Scooter Libby case:


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