In the Arena In the Arena

Gilt by Association

Turns out Barack Obama had a long-term relationship with the real estate developer who helped the Senator expand his South Side property. Turns out the developer was a slumlord.

Turns out John Edwards, populist crusader against offshore tax breaks, worked for a hedge fund that offered offshore tax breaks.

My bet: Both these stories …

In the Arena In the Arena

RE: Kos

In my column this week I reported that Kos had bashed Barack Obama for his position on Iraq war funding. Obama said he was opposed to adding a withdrawal timetable, or deadline, to the next funding bill the Democrats send Bush after he vetoes the current legislation. Kos accused Obama of surrendering. In a subsequent interview with …

The Ties That Blind?

I found today’s Washington Post story on John Edwards and his ties to the New York hedge fund operator Fortress Investment Group far more interesting than all the coverage of where he gets his hair cut. But then, he is far from alone. When investment outfits hire these politicians who are not known to have anything that resembles …

In the Arena In the Arena

Renzi Gets His Due

The news that Ariz Congressman Rick Renzi is in a whole lot of trouble with the feds reminded me that this was the same Renzi who ran what may have been the scuzziest negative ads of the 2006 campaign against attorney Ellen Simon–the ad linked Simon to the Massachusetts ACLU’s attempt to protect the North American Man Boy Love …

McCain’s Negatives

Greg Sargent rightly points out that Hillary is not the only front-runner whose negatives suggest otherwise:

Hillary Clinton: Definitely would, 27%; Would consider, 26%; Definitely would not, 45%

John McCain: Definitely would, 12%; Would consider, 39%; Definitely would not, 47%

As you can see, McCain has edged higher than Hillary in

Obama Gets Humble

Now that’s what I call resume-padding:

When Morgan Freeman comes over to greet Obama, the senator begins bowing down both hands in worship. “This guy was president before I was,” says Obama, referring to Freeman’s turn in Deep Impact and, clearly, getting a little ahead of his own bio. Next, a nod to Bruce Almighty: “This guy was God

In the Arena In the Arena


Yglesias has been correctly obsessed with the Kirkuk situation. My sense is that the external–Turkish–threat may be greater than the internal (mostly Sunni) Arab situation. In recent weeks, the Maliki government has smiled upon “voluntary” relocation plans for the Kirkuk Arabs: there is synergy between the desire of Kurds and Shi’ites …

In the Arena In the Arena


Other Klein not just clever, but closer to the truth than he may think. In Ron Suskind’s excellent book, the One Percent Solution, there’s a hilarious scene–p336– that takes place in the inner sanctum of the CIA right after Osama issued his last minute verbal assault on Bush just before the 2004 election. The consensus is that Osama …

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