My Response: It is About Ownership

Joe Klein says this about healthcare, “there are enormous economic inefficiencies in the current system. It hurts the international competitiveness of American companies. It causes people to stay in jobs they don’t like; it makes it less attractive for them to strike out on their own as entrepreneurs.” I agree 100 percent. But …

More Thoughts on Ames, and the Value of Nothing

If all the other front-runners decide to skip Ames and leave the dog-and-pony show to Romney, it’ll be interesting to see how the campaign spins whatever results come of it. They’ll likely win, but it could be close to meaningless for them — and could give those who do even marginally well despite not participating (i.e., not shipping …

In the Arena In the Arena

Hillary’s Right

We are safer…when it comes to homeland security, which is all she was saying in the debate on Sunday night. She’s had plenty to say–and very well-informed stuff at that–about the depredations of the Bush Administration’s so-called War on Terror overseas.

In fact, Giuliani pretty much made Clinton’s point in the Republican debate …

In the Arena In the Arena

Policing Armey

Sorry to fall down on my on self-appointed role of Dick disputant, but I’ve been, uh, working…
Past deadline now, and I want to respond to our guest’s response to the Republican debate. First, it was interesting to see Giuliani pick up on Armey’s any-universal-health-insurance is socialism riff. Question: Does that include Mitt …


Rudy’s announced he’s skipping the Ames Straw Poll; this isn’t super shocking — the campaign was dropping hints about the possibility months ago. Slightly more surprising is his decision to “remain competitive” there nonetheless, i.e., to go ahead in participate in the caucuses — should he win in January, he’d be the first candidate in …

Easy as…

In this video, two Edwards advisers — Jonathan Prince and Joe Trippi — try and fail to bake a pie:

And then Elizabeth Edwards asks for money.

It’s, uhm, not exactly the Obama “1984” ad. I’m all for campaigns trying non-slick ad experiments, and I have an unaccountable weakness for behind-the-scenes trivia, but this sort of looks …

Am I the only one worried about Social Security?

The impending collapse of Social Security and Medicare will be the largest bankruptcy in human history. It is an avalanche aimed squarely at the American economy. Once again, tonight major party candidates were silent on the issue.

I was listening for the big problems facing our nation, but more importantly, answers in the form of big …

GOP NH Debate: Winners and Losers

Well, clearly, Wolf won again.

Early web consensus seems to be coalescing around McCain and Rudy, with A for effort to Huckabee. Mitt seems to have underwhelmed.

CNN’s dial-testing was completely unsurprising: McCain tanks on immigration… and nuclear energy (hm). And, less than breaking, people liked it when they bashed the GOP …

The National Intelligence Estimate – the “Ulysses” of our Time

First Clinton and Edwards. Now McCain and Brownback. Did ANYONE in the Senate read the NIE before voting to invade Iraq? Amazing. And depressing.

Update: Reader Hoplite promises, “If Carnie himself has read either Ulysses or the NIE, I’d have a heart attack.” Hoplite: Better call 911. I read the first with relish, some time ago, over …

Liveblogging: GOP Debate in New Hampshire

7:01 PM Wolf just confirmed that we’re on the “honor system” again when it comes to talk time. Showing the most honor so far: Dodd, who’s given us another “Talk Clock.” He’s (Wolf) using the same script as last night.

7:04 PM Weird, random buzzing sounds?

7:05 PM Romney running through a check list on Iraq, apparently, if we hadn’t …

Debate Prep

The movement toward limited government is at a serious crossroads and tonight it will be on display in New Hampshire. Disillusioned voters have delivered the message loud and clear that they are unhappy with big government, parochial Republicans claiming a conservative mantle. These party activists deeply miss the leadership of Ronald …

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