Fighting Fire with Fire

“Swift-hosing” sounds so much more intriguing than the garden variety but vicious oppo dirty tricks it actually is. Nonetheless, Fred Thompson is the first candidate (“candidate”?) to make something of the fire fighters’ union attack on Rudy Giuliani (original video here):

July 13, 2007 — Likely Republican presidential candidate Fred

Harriet the Spy

Is it possible to simply assert that a subpoena doesn’t apply to you? Maybe I should rephrase that: Is it possible to simply assert that a subpoena doesn’t apply to you then not get thrown in jail?

WSJ has all the docs and some details here. Our own Gilbert Cruz takes a look here.

Mike Hayden’s Visit to the Woodshed

Poor Mike Hayden. As luck would have it, the CIA director’s weekly briefing to the president took place this morning. One imagines Bush was holding the front page of the Washington Post and scowling when Hayden walked (sheepishly?) into the Oval Office. You see, according to Bob Woodward, when Hayden spoke to the Iraq Study Group last …

In the Arena In the Arena


Well, here’s the White House interim report on Iraq. So far as I can tell, it’s a pretty straightforward assessment of where Petraeus and Crocker see the situation right now–obviously a best case view, but without the lies and oversimplification that mark the President’s descriptions of the situation in Iraq. The military situation is …

Mistakes Were Made

Dahlia Lithwick has a great run down on Sara Taylor’s non-testimony, and reminds us all that our Comp 101 professors were right when they preached the evils of the passive voice:

The problem I’m having in mustering any sympathy for poor Sara Taylor today is that she was no more “put” in this uncomfortable position than Kyle Sampson was

The Velcro Campaign

The McCain campaign has entered that phase when any small piece of negative speculation will stick and every misstep will be magnified. For instance, the NYT reports that yesterday’s conference call with donors by McCain was done from the Senate cloakroom. This is itself is not illegal, but it edges into the gray area of the law that …

Politics in Another Nation

Please click through to learn more about this “Confucian sex symbol”:

From the moment he landed in Nanjing, a fawning press covered his every move, marveling repeatedly at how spry he remains at age 84. When [he] lands elsewhere, he has to worry he’ll be summoned to testify about knowledge of war crimes…During the event at Nanjing

In the Arena In the Arena

The Courage Primary–Update

I think Ruth Marcus was a little tough on Barack Obama here. It was absolutely courageous for Obama to challenge–no, he mildly disagreed with–the teachers on merit pay. The anti-professional, anti-progress militancy of the teachers unions continue to astound me. If they want to be “treated as the professionals they are” in the …

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