Middle Class Express: And Iran, Iran So Far Away…

On Sunday, Hillary Clinton took questions from an Iowa audience and got into a spat with a would-be supporter over her vote to declare Iran’s army a supporter of terrorism. The audience member compared the vote to her vote to authorize the use of force in Iraq and asked why she hadn’t “learned from your past mistakes.” Clinton then …

Lynne Cheney Comes to Romney’s Defense

Her daughter Liz may have signed on for Fred Thompson (though Liz will be a no-show in the spin room this afternoon), but Second Lady Lynne Cheney–herself the daughter of a Mormon (Who knew?)–comes to the defense of Mitt Romney. She says in an interview with Bill Sammon in today’s Examiner that she is “really astounded” by the …

SEIU Decides to Stay Neutral

As we had discussed here before, John Edwards had been wooing the Service Employees International Union, and at one point had been considered a favorite to get its endorsement, which is considered one of the biggest prizes in Democratic politics. The first sign of trouble came last month, when the union said it needed more time to decide …

Middle Class Express: The Swag

Hillary gave a very substantive policy speech this morning, and by “substantive,” I mean “it contained a lot of numbers.” No, seriously, it was the economic cornerstone upon which she is mounting her “Rebuilding the Road to the Middle Class” tour of Iowa (untangle those metaphors at your own risk). She laid out some goals that would …

In the Arena In the Arena

Iowa Idonwanna

So there’s now talk that Iowa is going to move its caucuses up to…next week. No, actually to January 3, 2008. Or maybe the Republicans will caucus that Thursday night and the Democrats will go on Saturday, January 5.

Could I just say: This is nuts.

There is a natural arc to news stories–and to the way the news media work. You need …

Status of Obama’s Gloves: Almost All the Way Off

I wonder who he could be talking about here:

“There are some in this race who actually make the argument that the more time you spend immersed in the broken politics of Washington, the more likely you are to change it. I always find this a little amusing. I know that change makes for good campaign rhetoric, but when these same

Hillary News of the Day

Just now, here in Cedar Rapids, Hillary confirmed that fake news* is now a policy plank: “To paraphrase Stephen Colbert: this administrations doesn’t make decisions based on facts, it makes facts based on decisions.”

(She apparently used the same line in her science speech last week; let’s hope she starts name-checking …

What’s the Matter with Iowa?

Our colleague Mark Halperin has some thoughts about the latest Des Moines Register poll.

Polling geeks and those that aspire to such should follow Pollster.com on the nitty-gritty of these things; this post on the Obama campaign’s latest spin gives you an idea of why methodology matters.

In the Arena In the Arena

Surge Update

You remember that the primary goal of the so-called surge was to provide “space” for “political reconciliation” among the contending parties. You also remember that General David Petraeus and others have said repeatedly that a military victory in this war is not possible; that it can only be settled by the Iraqi politicians. Well, …

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