In the Arena In the Arena

Waterboard Memories

The Washington Post makes a convincing case that Congressional Intelligence Committee leaders, of both parties, were fully briefed on CIA interrogation techniques, including waterboarding and stress positions, back in 2002 and 2003. That includes Nancy Pelosi:

Pelosi declined to comment directly on her reaction to the classified

In the Arena In the Arena

Neocon Counterattack on Iran Report

Well, you had to figure this was coming. The Washington Post reports that the Senate Republicans–urged on by the usual neocon suspects–are going to try to discredit the National Intelligence Report on Iran. Danielle Pletka, the neocon La Pasionaria, offers this loathsome statement in an email:

“The problem is not the nature of the

Ron Paul Rocks the Internet

Okay, we kind of already knew that. But the analytics firm Compete puts out this “data hub” comparing web traffic for the various campaign sites that makes for some fun reading. Paul’s visitors are not only the most numerous, but also appear to be the most heavily male (and have the greatest percentage earning $100,000 or more), while …

Two Ways of Looking at a Romney

Ron Fournier, focusing on the politics:

“Americans do not respect believers of convenience,” Romney said. “Americans tire of those who would jettison their beliefs, even to gain the world.”

This from a man who campaigned for governor of Democratic-leaning Massachusetts as a supporter of abortion rights, gay rights and gun control —

In the Arena In the Arena

Iowa Likes Nice

A day after his big speech about religion and God and all, Mitt Romney loves his neighboring candidates in a negative and inaccurate Iowa mailing.

And here’s evidence, via The Page, that Hillary Clinton’s attacks on Barack Obama haven’t been working, either.

This is one of the reasons why Iowa is such a difficult challenge for …

In the Arena In the Arena

More Candor

CIA Director Hayden acknowledges that the public was going to find out about the CIA torture tapes anyway, but he still gets points for coming clean. And the revelation is further evidence of the Bush-driven sliminess of the Porter Goss regime at CIA. I’m not convinced that Hayden’s internal explanation of why the Gossites destroyed the …

In the Arena In the Arena


This is wrong.
OBviously, I was referring to the NIE itself as a remarkable moment of candor for the United States. I thought that Bush’s reaction to it was, literally, incredible. As in, not to be believed–which was made completely clear in my cover story. Again, here’s the link to that story and here is my actual evaluation of Bush’s …

Bus Diary: Parkas, the Peanut Gallery and Politics

McCain refused to engage on the subject of the Romney speech when we grilled him this morning. Though his staff has a barely contained loathing for the man (one aide regularly refers to him as “Damien”), McCain is dispassionate. Asked what he thought of Mormonism, he segued into a familiar anecdote about his mentor, Mo Udall, who was “a …

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