In the Arena In the Arena

I Think It’s Closer

The Des Moines Register poll.
And Happy New Year to all, even the trolls.

Update: This CNN poll has Romney and Clinton doing much better than the Register poll does.

Last night, in the saloons of Des Moines, the Edwards people were expressing deep skepticism, as several readers here have, about the model used for the Register …

The Corner of Huck and Paul

Over the weekend, I noticed a funny little corner in downtown Des Moines where the Huckabee and Paul campaigns have set up their headquarters side by side. I was sort of intrigued by how the most socially conservative candidate’s campaign is getting along with the libertarian’s in such close quarters, so I dropped by and paid a visit. …

In the Arena In the Arena


Des Moines

Just when you think the Republican presidential race can’t get weirder…Mike Huckabee holds a press conference here to announce that he’d just made a last minute decision not to air a negative TV ad slamming Romney.

And then he airs the ad (Video courtesy of Mark Halperin who was setting in the row behund me). For the press …

Huckabee’s Substance Abuse

It is hard to pigeon-hole Mike Huckabee. The former Baptist minister doesn’t believe in evolution but he does believe in giving criminals redemptive second-chances through the many clemencies he granted as governor of Arkansas. He’s a Christian conversative, but also a populist who raised taxes to expand child health care and sought to …

SwampCast: DCA to ORD to DSM

Thanks to a last-minute temporary understanding with its writers, SwampCast is proud to be among the first shows to return from the writers’ strike… though this show, completed during the hiatus, was actually the product of suggestions solicited from various journalists and staffers on what to pack for Iowa. Enjoy.

In the Arena In the Arena

Bad Idea

Tearing myself away from Iowa for a moment….

New York Mayor Bloomberg’s idea for a summit meeting of aging moderate poobahs to discuss an independent third party seems a bit moldy to me. Not that I’m opposed to centrism–as regular readers of Swampland know very well, I’m sort of an aging moderate not-quite-poobah myself. But there is …

Iowa: What’s a Win?

Des Moines

One of the secrets of the Iowa caucuses has always been that there are no convention delegates chosen at them. That will happen many weeks from now, at county conventions and the state convention. And they are a unquely undemocratic exercise, particularly on the Democratic side, where the process demands that voters devote …

In the Arena In the Arena

Today in Iowa

Des Moines

Coupla thoughts, off the top–I’ve seen Huckabee and Romney; Obama, Clinton and Edwards in the past 48 hours and it just startling how different the quality is between the Democratic and Republican campaigns this year. The Republicans are total amateur hour, tiny crowds, half-crazed bickering among the candidates. No …

Why I Love America

Because no matter how hard you try to impose a narrative onto its people, they still figure out ways to screw with it. Take Iowa. Remember when Edwards had it locked up? Or Romney? Maybe you’ll recall Clinton’s double-digit lead in New Hampshire. Every pundit that sagely pronounced, well, anything should take a deep breath and remember …

Bill Kristol’s Memory Hole

Think Progress reminds the NYT’s latest columnist of the paper’s crimes:

“I think it is an open question whether the Times itself should be prosecuted for this totally gratuitous revealing of an ongoing secret classified program that is part of the war on terror.” [Fox News, 7/2/06]

“I think the Justice Department has an

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