
Morning Must Reads

–Texas holds its primaries today, and most national attention is directed at the Republican gubernatorial contest. Current Governor Rick Perry is expected to come away with a win after having successfully defined his opponent, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, as too Washington for the Lonestar crowd. The real question is whether he can …

Morning Must Reads

–Paterson’s friends are leaning on him to abandon his campaign, while the never subtle Post and Daily News trumpet “Time To Go.”

–As Michael mentioned, Charlie Rangel is being officially admonished by the House for an ethics violation stemming from a failure to disclose financial details of some Caribbean trips. The Times has the

Midday Reads

–A CNN poll finds 67 percent of Americans say congressional Republicans aren’t doing enough to foster bipartisanship, and they are about split on whether Obama is reaching out in good faith. It seems highly improbable tomorrow’s kabuki health reform summit moves the needle.

Greg Sargent argues that in the end, voters are more …

Morning Must Reads

–Republicans in Congress still seem a little thrown off by the health care summit and haven’t yet settled on a message going in. Andrew Sullivan notes some inconsistency. They also haven’t decided which way to go on the Senate jobs bill.

–Former GOP Senator Lincoln Chafee, now running as an independent, makes the case for a third …

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