
Saving Elmendorf a Beating

Senator Kent Conrad today made an unusual request of the Congressional Budget Office: a 20-year cost estimate on the latest draft of Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus’ bill reforming the nation’s health care system. “We’ve got to have somebody look at this objectively and try to tell us: do we bend the cost curve the …

The Afghanistan Paradox

This war has come to be inexorably linked to this President. He likes to say that he’s “taking the fight” to the terrorists because it’s “fundamental to the defense of our people.” His strong supporters include Karl Rove, John McCain and Sarah Palin. In Congress, Democratic leaders grate at the idea of granting him more …


From TIME’s Sophia Yan:

Ripples of protesters, thousands of them of all ages, lined Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House to the Capitol Saturday. Deafening chants could be heard, from “You lie, you lie!” 
echoing South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson’s outburst during President Obama’s Wednesday speech to plaintive

Obama’s Health Care Speech: The Day After

The initial polling from last night’s speech is good, but looking forward, Obama must work on two levels to get this bill to the finish line. Here’s my story for on what they were trying to accomplish last night, and how things look today.

The Obama Health Care Speech

It attempted to be not a description of the ideal, but rather one of the doable. As one senior White House official put it a few hours before the speech: “There is a path to get this done. … The issues that separate us are not insuperable.”

Teddy’s Letter

After the jump, the text of Teddy Kennedy’s letter that President Obama cited in the speech. Also, Obama will host a group of bipartisan Senate centrists tomorrow — including, Michael Scherer reports from the Hill, Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson — at the White House to talk about health care.

GOP Response

After the jump is the text of Rep. Charles Boustany’s GOP response to the President’s speech. Republican leaders said they didn’t want a big name to deliver this rebuttal – thus the relatively unknown Boustany, who hails from Louisiana and happens to be a heart surgeon. Also, wonder what some GOP members were waving during the …

Obama’s Remarks

Read along after the jump. Members named: John Dingell, John McCain, Ted Kennedy, Orrin Hatch and Chuck Grassley.

John Dingell Sr.: A Legacy

As Michael notes, the President’s speech begins with a tribute to John Dingell Sr., a New Deal Congressman who was fighting for universal coverage 65 years ago, and whose son carries on the fight. Here’s a story I wrote on the father and the son, all the way back in the pre-internet-link days of 1993:

Health Care: The Public Option Fallback

Maine Senator Olympia Snowe’s idea of creating a public option as only a fallback if private insurance companies fail to produce genuine competition seems to be gaining currency at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue at the moment. Today’s Washington Post has new details on how a “trigger” would work:

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