As my colleagues listened to Barack Obama and Mitt Romney’s town hall debate Tuesday night, I pushed the mute button once again and prepared to determine a champion based on pantomime alone.
What Happened at the Second Presidential Debate
0 minutes. Both men mean business. They are out with smiles, mouthed “Thank You’s” and a perfunctory handshake. The American people have been subjected to political debates for more than a year. But this one is bigger than …
Finally, Obama Makes the Case for Four More Years
The argument for reelecting President Obama is not obvious, since the economy is bad, but it’s not all that complex either. I’d say it’s a five-part argument. And tonight, the president finally made all five parts. The big news from this debate will probably be the searing exchange over Libya, but after I shredded Obama’s no-show …
The Hofstra Debate: No Clear Winner
I don’t know who “won” this debate. The President won on the substance. He was, obviously, far better–sharper, more energetic, more effective–than he was in the first debate. In the crucial first half-hour, he successfully …
Obama Bounces Back With Strong Showing in Second Debate
With his presidency on the line, Barack Obama delivered a forceful performance in the second presidential debate Tuesday night, chiding Mitt Romney for failing to provide specifics about his policies and painting the Republican …
What to Watch for in Tonight’s Debate: A More Forceful Obama
Before Barack Obama and Mitt Romney debated in Denver, some very smart political scientists tried to dampen the overheated expectations game with a dose of historical context. Debates, they argued, usually don’t matter that much. …
Moderator Role Under Scrutiny Before Second Presidential Debate
In a rare example of political unity, both the Romney and Obama campaigns have expressed concern to the Commission on Presidential Debates about how the moderator of this Tuesday’s town hall has publicly described her role, TIME has learned.
Watching the Vice-Presidential Debate — with the Sound Off
I watched the first presidential debate on mute, and the candidates’ body language was telling, just like the debate experts say it should be. So I decided to not listen to anything the vice presidential candidates said either. …
What Happened at the Vice-Presidential Debate
2 minutes. They lock eyes from across the room, and neither man can look away. Big flag pin and little flag pin. Bulky suit and fitted suit. Lots of hair and little hair. A match is made, a connection struck. Their whitened …
The Vice-Presidential Debate: Biden in Command
This was a fine, fascinating, energetic debate. Joe Biden won — certainly on the substance, although he lost a bit on the body language. His frustrated smiles, head shakes, etc., etc., will become a Republican talking point and …
Liveblogging the Vice Presidential Debate
TIME’s politics team brings you up-to-the-minute Twitter commentary and coverage throughout the Danville, Ky. debate.
Biden vs. Ryan: What to Watch for in the Debate
Generally speaking, it takes a political junkie to get excited about a vice-presidential debate. Sure, showdowns between candidates can be interesting, and occasionally they become truly significant after the fact if some …
Do Vice-Presidential Debates Matter?
On last weekend’s Saturday Night Live Weekend Update, Seth Meyers said that the biggest winner after the first presidential debate was really the viewing public. “Is there anything more exciting than Joe Biden thinking it’s up …