Karen Tumulty

Articles from Contributor

This Just In from the High Sheriffs

You ask, and we answer. Our back and forth today here at Swampland has had the High Sheriffs at TIME going over the profanity filter they just installed, and this is what they discovered:

“Dick” was in fact on our list. I’ve removed it. Comments mentioning the VP will now be allowed.

A Comment on Our Comments

Several of our sharp-eyed commenters here at Swampland have complained that their posts are not showing up in the comments section. As we have tried to keep this back and forth with our readers as open as possible, I was particularly alarmed to see this from James in Los Angeles this morning regarding the Scooter Libby case:


Rudy’s family ties

Liberal commenters to this blog have long complained that the MSM has not given the private lives of Republican candidates the kind of scrutiny that it gives the Clintons. The New York Times, which last year gave the Clinton marriage front-page treatment, grabbed my attention with this story today about the estrangement of Rudy Giuliani …

UPDATE: A bridge and a tightrope.

In my previous post, commenter Linda wonders whether I should have been more aggressive about connecting the dots:

Just guessing here, but does it seem to you that the event was ‘long ago’ planned? Would Donna Brazile with some major league Civil Rights headliners be on the planning committee promoting Voters Rights? Since timing is

A bridge and a tightrope.

While the commentariat was going on and on last week as though the implications of the Hillary-Barack spat was all about Hollywood and who it will support, those inside the campaign were telling me that their real concern was elsewhere–with the African-American vote. (Truth be told, as far as most voters are concerned, seeing a …

Everything old is new again.

McCain’s decision to “pre-announce” last night on Letterman gave me the political version of an acid flashback to this unforgettable moment. The move didn’t do much to help Bob Dole with the age issue, as I recall. But at least no one was waving hams this time.

We have arrived.

It’s official. Karl Rove said so, as noted in this report in the Austin American-Statesman:

“All major news organizations now blog,” Rove said.

He also declared most of us extinct (though he had trouble remembering the name of the news organization that, per Ana’s post below, gave the Republicans the gift of “slow bleed”):

Rove said

Re: St. Ives

Underwear aside, Ana, (and Romney did not answer that question when USA Today asked it recently) the question of how Romney’s faith will affect people’s willingness to vote for him is going to be one of the great guessing games in the Republican primary race. That same USA Today story had a poll in which 24% of those surveyed said they …

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