Joe Klein

Joe Klein is TIME's political columnist and author of six books, most recently Politics Lost. His weekly TIME column, "In the Arena," covers national and international affairs. In 2004 he won the National Headliner Award for best magazine column.

Articles from Contributor

In the Arena In the Arena

Pakistan Is Not Our Ally

Carlotta Gall has a terrific piece in the Times today, interviewing a former Islamist militant, who maintains that the Pakistani military is behind much of the terrorist activity in south Asia. This is not new, but the level of detail is fascinating. Take, for instance, this tidbit about how the Pakistani military–using a retired …

In the Arena In the Arena

China Syndrome

There’s been a fair amount of comment about the relatively dovish position most Republican candidates for President have taken on Afghanistan (with the exception of Tim Pawlenty). But there has been an equally surprising development with regard to China: a decisive step away from free trade by more than a few of the candidates, led — …

In the Arena In the Arena

Obama Bound

Mike Gerson has a pretty smart column in the Washington Post today about the President’s political dilemma, given the current economic doldrums. Gerson starts with the coincidence of Obama’s visit to a Jeep plant in Toledo, Ohio, …

In the Arena In the Arena

Silly Pawlenty

The Republican criticism of President Obama’s Afghanistan drawdown has been muted, by the usual screechy standards. But there have been some real clunkers. Take this utterly absurd statement from Tim Pawlenty yesterday:

I thought [Obama’s] speech was deeply concerning. Look how he phrased the outcome of this war. He said we need to end

In the Arena In the Arena

Afghanistan Speech Preview

It now seems likely that President Obama will take a modest course on withdrawal from Afghanistan, with the consensus guess that he’ll withdraw 30,000 troops by the end of the 2012 fighting season. I had hoped for a larger draw …

In the Arena In the Arena

Our Pakistani Allies Cont.

From the start, my worst fear has been that there would be a “colonels’ coup” in the Pakistani military, in which Islamist junior officers ousted their more pro-western superiors. That scenario seems closer than ever today, as the Times reports that Army chief Ashfaq Kayani is on shaky ground–because the U.S. was able to stage the Osama …

In the Arena In the Arena

Economic Reality

Here’s a quote to start the day from the New York Times:

“I want to have as few people touching our products as possible,” said Dan Mishek, managing director of Vista Technologies in Vadnais Heights, Minn. “Everything should be as automated as it can be. We just can’t afford to compete with countries like China on labor costs,

In the Arena In the Arena

The Wages of Weinermania

OK. Enough. I must admit I’ve enjoyed the furious Weinerian punning. It’s been a magical summer story for the New York tabloids, and victimless as well, unless you count the shmuck at the center of it, who is yet another male …

In the Arena In the Arena

Some Sanity From Israel

Given the lingering hangover effects of Benjamin Netanyahu’s arrogant visit upon his American supporters–bitterness (toward Obama), smugness, delusion–the recent testimony of just-retired Mossad Chief Meir Dagan has provided a needed corrective. Like most recent Mossad chiefs, Dagan is a realist. He sees the big, long-term picture. And …

In the Arena In the Arena

A Note on Edwards

I was never a big John Edwards fan. He seemed an “ice skater”–as Mario Cuomo used to say. He skimmed the surface, without ever really exploring or grasping the issues. It seemed that he became a politician because he thought he looked like a politician. But I think his indictment today is a big waste of time and money. If he did break …

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