The early morning sun rises behind the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC.
- President Obama: Poverty about more than Race [Politico]
- “Thousands of fast food workers plan to walk off the job in 100 U.S. cities today, a major escalation in labor’s strongest-ever challenge to an industry that’s become ever more central to the present and future of U.S. work.” [Salon]
- Charts show Why Fast Food Workers Are Going on Strike [Mother Jones]
- Republican men are getting tutored in how to run against women [Politico]
- Chicago pursuing a deal to change pension funding: “Chicago is not facing bankruptcy, but the Detroit case produced a development being watched closely by cities and unions across the country: It explicitly permitted changes to public pension funds to help the city shed its debts and reorganize.” [NYT]
- The Court’s Contempt for Congress [New Yorker]
- The Two Options on Iran [Washington Post]
- Meet the California Congressman who wants to use nukes if war with Iran comes [TIME]
- The NSA is Tracking 5billion cellphone records worldwide [Washington Post]
What’s Prettier in Print
- COVER: The Original Wolf of Wall Street Carl Icahn Returns by Rana Foroohar
- Navy Sinks in Hookers and Bribes Scandal by Mark Thompson
- Steve Brill: Obamacare is Hurting the Neediest Patients
- Waging War: The Movement to Raise Minimum Wages Gains Momentum by Christopher Matthews
- How to Get to Sochi by Megan Gibson