RNC Chairman Priebus
After Democratic National Communications Director Mo Elleithee proclaimed last week that the Democrats are “eager and proud” to run on Obamacare in 2014, the Republicans tried an experiment.
On Thursday morning, the Republican National Committee invited 10 Democratic Senators and 30 Democratic Congressmen to their office a few blocks from the Capitol for a press conference to explain why they are “eager and proud” to defend a policy which is deeply unpopular. Like betting on the outcome of yesterday’s game, the results were preordained. Party chair Reince Priebus read from his short script, ripping into the straw man. “It looks like it’s just me this morning so despite what the DNC says,” Priebus began, “It looks like any Democrat in a serious reelection fight is neither eager nor proud to run on Obamacare.”
“Yes, we will tattoo Obamacare on each of their foreheads,” Priebus later added to the five cameras and 20 blue chairs filled with journalists and staff.
Priebus’ staff had printed off sheets of computer paper with the names of some Democratic Senators in competitive states, including Sens. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.) and Mark Begich (D-Alaska) to Scotch tape on the back of presumably empty chairs.
“Given that polls show more people believe in Big Foot than approve of the GOP and the fact that the RNC’s last two big pushes were to unveil an Autopsy Report that failed within days, and a Stand with Cruz campaign egging on the GOP shutdown that cost the country $24 billion, you’ll have to excuse us if we choose not to take public relations advice from Reince Priebus and the RNC,” wrote Michael Czin, National Press Secretary for the Democratic National Committee.
When a reporter asked Priebus what Republicans would do to replace Obamacare, Priebus mentioned a few options including tackling junk lawsuits and introducing open pricing (requiring doctors and hospitals to post prices of their services). “I’m not the policy guy,” he said. “You know that.”