What A 60th Vote Costs…

We suspect it can be found in this language on page 98 of the manager’s amendment to the health care bill:

‘‘(3) Notwithstanding subsection (b) and paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection, the Federal medical assistance percentage otherwise determined under subsection (b) with respect to all or any portion of a fiscal year

In the Arena In the Arena

Would You Make This Deal?

Senator Lindsey Graham thinks he can get Republican votes for a deal that would tax (or “put a price on”) carbon emissions if offshore drilling and nuclear power is added to the cocktail. I’m no fan of offshore drilling, but if carbon emissions are being taxed into submission, I”d rather see the carbon come from the Gulf of Mexico than …

In the Arena In the Arena

Krugman Nails It

I don’t always agree with Paul Krugman, but he certainly makes the strongest possible argument for passage of the health care bill in the Times today.

Update: And Ron Brownstein adds a significant explanation for why Howard Dean and others on the digital left are acting in so cavalier a fashion:

Maybe one reason former Vermont Gov.

In the Arena In the Arena

Making Things Up

The odious Michael Goldfarb of the Weekly Standard has written an item claiming that I made up the fact that Avigdor Lieberman, the extremist anti-Arab bigot who sadly serves as Israel’s Foreign Minister, walked out of meetings with George Mitchell when the topic of East Jerusalem was raised. My sources for the item are several …

Catholics Support Senate Health Reform?

Well, some Catholics. The Catholic Hospital Association (CHA) released a statement today offering tentative support for the Senate version of health reform if Senator Casey’s abortion language becomes part of the bill: “Especially now that a public health insurance option is no longer on the table, we are increasingly confident that …

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