Told that the McCain people deny any changes to Palin’s script, Olbermann took some relish with his response:
From: Keith Olbermann
Subject: Re: On the old record
Date: November 3, 2008 11:26:38 AM ESTYour first commenter has it right on about Palin changing lines. I have (drum roll please) evidence of the line change!
I can now present it and shout my favorite Thurber line: “perhaps THIS will refresh your memory!”
UPDATE: Tucker Eskew weighs in: “Completely false. No script like that, no writer’s suggestion, nothing like that happened.”
Whatever else he’s up to, Olbermann will have much of the blogosphere’s attention tonight.
Also should note that this is not, let’s say, the most pressing issue McCain staff is addressing today. I’ve just managed to catch them at the right time — and in the right mood — to respond. Salter also wanted me to make sure to tell people that he thought the McCain sketches were hilarious, too, and that talking about the KO bit was simply Sunday ayem conversation, not “our goddamn last 48 hours strategy.”
And KO’s own take here.