Really? Really?

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John McCain is basing his next “tour” on nostalgia for the Great Depression?

During the Great Depression, with many millions of Americans out of work and the country suffering the worst economic crisis in our history, there rose from small towns, rural communities, inner cities, a generation of Americans who fought to save the world from despotism and mass murder, and came home to build the wealthiest, strongest and most generous nation on earth. …. In my other profession and the war I served in, the country relied overwhelmingly on Americans from these same communities to defend us. …”Next week, I’ll begin a tour of places in America that do not frequently see a candidate for President. They are places far removed from the prosperity that is enjoyed elsewhere in America. I want to tell people living there that there must not be any forgotten parts of America; any forgotten Americans.

Someone is totally going to ask if he remembers the Depression itself.