Obama’s Negative Ads

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If you’re worried about Obama hitting back hard enough, look underneath the table. These two ads were put up in Pennsylvania and Ohio (I think.), minus the usual press release announcement.

“Original” is mentioned in the WaPo article, though not the relatively quiet way it was released.

Here’s a fact-check on “Pocket,” which ratchets down the amount of money given to McCain by “Big Oil” to a mere $1.3 million, rather than two. Whew. For awhile there I thought they had given him A LOT of money. I haven’t seen one for “Original,” though off the top of my head I’ll note that the clip of McCain saying he voted with the president “90 percent of the time” is about five years old. According to the WP — which tracks votes with “the party” rather than the president, but I image they’re the same — his current percentage is 88.3 percent. Again, whew. That almost two percent change, by the way, still puts him in same range as noted moderate and restroom connoisseur Larry Craig (who voted with his party 88.9% of the time) and have him showing more party loyalty than suspected Communist sympathizer Orrin Hatch (87.5%).