Airport Blogging the Most Ingenious Campaign News Hook of the Day

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Give the Richardson campaign credit for being the first out of the gate on this:

Governor Bill Richardson Statement on New England Patriots Spying Incident

Of course, this isn’t simply the outrage of America’s ONLY Red Sox and Yankees fan:

SPENCER, IA– Democratic Presidential candidate Governor Bill Richardson, campaigning today in Iowa, issued the following statement regarding the recent “spying” incident involving the National Football League’s New England Patriots:

“The President has been allowed to spy on Americans without a warrant, and our U.S. Senate is letting it continue. You know something is wrong when the New England Patriots face stiffer penalties for spying on innocent Americans than Dick Cheney and George Bush.”

And because I know you all are thirsting for more news from the “See You in Hell” bus, I’ll add that McCain brought up Belichick’s bad behavior this morning, segueing into a pretty flawless Larry Craig imitation, calling Belichick “a dirty, nasty, naughty boy.”