newt gingrich

Is Paul Ryan’s Plan the New Third Rail of GOP Politics?

Paul Ryan often says that he hopes to invert the notion that Social Security is the third rail of American politics. In Ryan’s ideal world, not tackling entitlement reform and deficit reduction would become the new third rail. I doubt the country has swung that way yet, but it seems that attacking Paul Ryan’s entitlement plan has become …

On the Second Day, He Rested

After a series of head-fakes and stutter steps, Newt Gingrich finally jumped in the GOP presidential race Wednesday, announcing his candidacy on Twitter and previewing his platform in a YouTube video set to soothing elevator music. The rollout wasn’t perfect: Gingrich’s website,, still featured empty space earmarked for quotes …

Newt Gingrich, Newbie Catholic

Newt Gingrich was a featured speaker at this morning’s National Catholic Prayer Breakfast, an annual event in Washington that traditionally draws (Republican) politicians looking to court conservative Catholics. Much of the breakfast was focused on the biggest news in the Catholic world this week–the upcoming beatification of Pope John …

Newt at Ease in New Hampshire

Concord, New Hampshire

If it walks like a presidential candidate — visiting Iowa, South Carolina and, today, Concord, New Hampshire to kiss babies and pose for photos — and talks like a presidential candidate ā€“ ā€œIā€™m …

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